I've Got A New Tank...


New Member
Aug 30, 2007
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I've recently obtained a 10 gallon tank and have spent the past week or so reading up on fishless cycling and whatnot. I think I've decided which fish to have in there thanks to that splendid article about fish for 10 gallon tanks. I've already a bit(no way extensive) experience as I've also got a small 5 gallon tank. But with this new one I'm planning on doing a fishless cycle as I mentioned(being ignorant with my 5 gallon I didn't do that before although the fish made it through fine.) and was also hoping to have this one a planted tank with sand or something similar as opposed to the colorful gravel.

My questions are, is a 10 gallon ok for plants? If so, which plants and how many would be recommended? I've read about how plants would be beneficial, helping to lower nitrates. I've gotten myself a master test kit and want to make sure I've learned from my previous mistakes so any more advise would be very much appreciated. :good:
The planted tank section is the place to go for plant recomendations. In short, any body of water realy is capable of being planted, so long as it recives some light.

Its good to know that you are fishless cycling, as may don't and regret the result.

All the best
If you want to do plants, you are making a good decision as long as you have adaquate lighting. The general rule of thumb is 1.5-2 watts per gallon. Be prepared to leave your lights on for a decent amount of time a day. I run my 55 gallon planted tank with the lights on for about 12 hours a day. It's fairly easy work.

As far as what plants to get, I recommend Small amazon swords/ Brazillian swords. These are easy to take care of. I personally like them, but you can't really make a tank of them alone. They are rather plain. I like playing around with java moss too. It is a lttle bit of a pain to work with (anchoring). But they thrive with minimal lighting.

A fishless cycle is best. You have obviously been doing your research. What are you planning for fish? In one of m ten gallons I have heavy planting and my small Serpae Tetras and lemon tetras love it. They ide all the time. In my 55 gallon I have about 6 small swords, 3 large swords, and a bunch of random others. I use gravel in this tank. But i went with beach color gravel (white and light brown in color).

Most of what you do is all preference. But if you want to do sand or soil prepare to pay significantly more. A 25 lb bag of gravel is around $15, a 20 lb bag of soil is around $32, and a 20 lb bag of sand is about $25. But you have a small tank. So substrate won't brea your wallet.
My tanks are planted and by no means high tech. I have a couple different sword plants and water wysteria. The water wysteria took a little bit to get going but then just took off! They'd grow right out of the tank if I let them! I personally replace the light bulbs with the ones for planted tanks. You'll find them in any fish shop. For my 28 gal I had to buy another light strip so I have two. I also use Flourish and Flourish Excel. I've been told anacharis is also pretty easy for newbies, except for me. I can't keep them alive!
Good luck!
I have plants in my tank and they grow really well. Every two days I put in a plant food tablet called JBL Ferrotabs they seem to work. I also have 2 lights. I put my plants in the tank 2 weeks before my fish so they can settle and start to grow, im not sure if this makes a difference. I did fishless cycling aswell. It seemed to have worked for me so far.
I am looking at starting my first tank and will do fishless cycling as well. I was thinking about putting maybe 1 or 2 small plants in. Just making sure, is it ok to do the plants while waiting for the cycle to finish? This way I am not just staring at an empty tank so hopefully I'll be less tempted to to put anything else in before the tank is ready!
As long as the water is at the correct temperature and has been dechlorinated its fine to put plants in.

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