Essentially Humanoid
Hi all,
well, after having my setup for nearly four years, I've given in and bought myself some Bronze Corys. I have a 4ft tank (18'' high, 15'' front to back). They share the tank with 14 Harlequin Rasboras, 12 Cardinal Tetras, 8 Pencilfish and a Botia Loach, so I'm not exactly overstocked (very well planted, too and filtered by a TetraTec EX700 filter); Have I been too conservative in the number of corys I've bought?. Do you think I could add some more - is it a case of 'the more, the merrier' ?. By the time they'd been in the tank an hour, I swear they'd turned over every bit of substrate. What can I give them as a treat, maybe a couple of times a week?.
well, after having my setup for nearly four years, I've given in and bought myself some Bronze Corys. I have a 4ft tank (18'' high, 15'' front to back). They share the tank with 14 Harlequin Rasboras, 12 Cardinal Tetras, 8 Pencilfish and a Botia Loach, so I'm not exactly overstocked (very well planted, too and filtered by a TetraTec EX700 filter); Have I been too conservative in the number of corys I've bought?. Do you think I could add some more - is it a case of 'the more, the merrier' ?. By the time they'd been in the tank an hour, I swear they'd turned over every bit of substrate. What can I give them as a treat, maybe a couple of times a week?.