I've Given In


Essentially Humanoid
Jan 29, 2007
Reaction score
Leeds, U.K.
Hi all,
well, after having my setup for nearly four years, I've given in and bought myself some Bronze Corys. I have a 4ft tank (18'' high, 15'' front to back). They share the tank with 14 Harlequin Rasboras, 12 Cardinal Tetras, 8 Pencilfish and a Botia Loach, so I'm not exactly overstocked (very well planted, too and filtered by a TetraTec EX700 filter); Have I been too conservative in the number of corys I've bought?. Do you think I could add some more - is it a case of 'the more, the merrier' ?. By the time they'd been in the tank an hour, I swear they'd turned over every bit of substrate. What can I give them as a treat, maybe a couple of times a week?.
Have I been too conservative in the number of corys I've bought?. Do you think I could add some more

Hey, you haven't sad how many you brought?

Erm, no I didn't did I?. I bought five. They're probably around an inch and a bit at the moment.

Ok then to answer your questions then you have a nice number of corys that should do well in your tank, I think its now really down to your preference as if you want to add more, 5 is a great number but higher numbers wil also work just as well
They love live worms! They also like shrimp pellets and veggies... They are pretty easy to keep. Mine eat everything that I can get to the bottom of the tank. :good:
Corys naturally live in very large groups. They are happy in five but get happier in larger groups. So it is up to you.
Thanks all; Looks like I'll add a few more this weekend, then. I confess that I'm totally captivated by them now I've got some. The first day (Tuesday) they were darting all over the place (understandable enough) but by the next day they were right at home. Even my Botia Loach keeps them company, and he's never really been one for showing his face much. They went absolutely barmy last night when I put some frozen bloodworm in. I can certainly understand why some people keep nothing but Corys. Oh, nearly forgot - I usually put Tetra Plecomin tabs in (the small ones) for the Botia Loach and Otos; should I put in something a little less hard for the Corys?. I used to use Hikari wafers (about the size of a 1p piece), but any that wasn't eaten overnight used to make a bit of a mess of the substrate.
They will graze on algae and algae tabs, but they are an omnivore and need a tab with higher protein also--an omnivore tab. Any sinking tab for Catfish should do. Hikari sinking wafers are a good choice. Tetra also has a good tab. Make sure they are for omnivores and not for carnivores (meat only eaters) or herbavores (green only eaters.) I break my Hikari algae wafers into the size the fish will eat in the alloted tme. The sinking wafers for omnivores is smaller. one tab for 5 may be ok, but it can also be broken.i

You could also add a second group of another species of Cory. If each group has 5 or 6 they will fair well, imo. If you keep your fish load at about 1" per gallon in a community tank you should be ok. The Cory can stand heavier density with weekly water changes, but other species may not do as well.

Cory's personalities come out the safer they feel. More Corys=safety to them, as well as the lack of very active other fish. They will play with the queen while s/he is small, but s/he may be more competitive as s/he gets older and be rough. I have several darios and straita with some Corys and the dario are a little boisterous and go for what they want. I was warned by a Cory expert that the queens could harm the Corys when they get sexually mature by running rough shod over the Corys, so I keep an eye on them. The queens do barrel through and the Corys watch out and take care.
Cheers jollysue,

I have to admit I've never been quite sure of the amount of tabs to put in for the 5 Otos and single Botia Loach I already have in there; I usually put a couple of Tetra tabs in for them at lights out and there's nothing left in the morning. I have five plump Otos, so they must be getting enough. With the Corys, I'll be feeding them during the day, so at least I'll get a good idea of how much they actually eat. Thanks again.

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