after seeing a few dyed fish in pets at home.....i decided that i'd say something about i emailed their head office and told them about what goes on behind closed doors
this is their reply:
Hi and thank you for your email, I was shocked to read how some people would treat fish and have spoken with the Livestock Manager regarding this. As a company we do not support any mechanical method of colouring the fish and only condone the colour feeding. Which store did you visit –this will allow us to investigate with the supplier-and did you mention anything to the store manager?
I hope to hear from you.
Kind regards the looks of things.......i've made pets at home aware of this terrible cruelty and they're gonna stop dealing with the suppliers
1-0 to us fishy lovers i thinks
this is their reply:
Hi and thank you for your email, I was shocked to read how some people would treat fish and have spoken with the Livestock Manager regarding this. As a company we do not support any mechanical method of colouring the fish and only condone the colour feeding. Which store did you visit –this will allow us to investigate with the supplier-and did you mention anything to the store manager?
I hope to hear from you.
Kind regards the looks of things.......i've made pets at home aware of this terrible cruelty and they're gonna stop dealing with the suppliers
1-0 to us fishy lovers i thinks