Curious of your experience... between my past life, with fish, and the the most recent couple years, I've never been lucky enough to keep more than one Angel, without murder ( over the normal life of a fish )... I like them, and tried keeping them several times, in several configurations ( I've never kept them as a single species in a triple digit gallon tank, so maybe at some point my tanks have been too small ( the tanks I've had Angels in, have been between 45 and 65 gallons )... sure they start out great as a young group, but by the time they reach maturity, they are a group of one... and one single mature Angel must surely feel it's the king of the world... the couple adult singles I've had, had to be tank boss, and were notorious fin nippers of any other tank mates... I have found, pairing them with a companion fish ( in my case, a Silver Dollar ) has reduced their need to rule the world, and give everyone in the tank, a haircut... curious if anyone has had a group work out for 3 years for example... my last attempt ended at just over 2 years, a sibling pair, who had been together since they were about 1 inch, in a 55 gallon, ended again, in murder... how big a tank, did it require if you have a mature group... I think about how many have been killed over the years... but eventually you will find a pair, but as hard as they are to sex, and their propensity to kill, is it worth it??? Silver Dollars have worked exceptionally well for me, as a therapy fish for singles... has anyone found another fish species that's worked for you???
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