It's summer?


Retired Moderator ⚒️
Feb 19, 2003
Reaction score
Ft.Worth TX
Harlie wouldn't know because she doesn't go out until after dark, and then it's only for a walk :rolleyes:

In the meantime she can be found lounging around the house and avoiding the sun, much unlike her humans.


that first pic is so cute i want to nominate her for pet of the month. how old is she? she looks like an old lady.
She is an old lady :wub: We adopted her a couple of years ago and they say she was two, but we guesstimate closer to four'ish. So I guess she's about 6 or 7, it's hard to say with an adoptarino. But her gray hair is getting pretty thick.

You'd never be able to tell at walk time though, she gets so excited just like a puppy. She starts hopping up and running to the door about two hours before we leave :lol: By the time we go she is ready to burst with excitement.
She is so pretty Wuv.I will give it a second nomination. And she isnt lost for any pounds either. I bet she is a sweetheart. I would love to hug it and give it a big squeeze.
That dog is so shiny Do you mind if I ask you what you feed it to make its coat look that good.. It is beautiful Wuv.. I just had to ask...
She's lovely :D and looks like a really old little lady. I'd guess anything from 7 + but I know it's hard to say when a dog has little hisotry when you adopt. And things like bad teeth and eyes aren't always a sure indicator of age - it can be very misleading sometimes.
She's lovely and glossy though :nod:
I nearly forgot about Har-Har's thread :*) Thanks for the comments, guys.

Angel Lady, I feed her that Nutro brand from Petsmart, right now she's on the Lamb and Rice, we just switched a couple of bags ago. But she's also naturally very shiny. It's hard to get a pic of her sometimes because she just blings.

bloozoo~ Apparently Harlie had a twisted sort of life and story when she was dumped off at the shelter. She had a litter of pups which they put down and because she couldn't nurse she had a huge lesion under her front leg where she burst open :dunno:
Poor girl, it took her a long time to adjust. But we love her and she's the best dog ever :wub: Very loyal,protective and good. :nod:

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