It's so exciting!

Feb 13, 2004
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My tank's finally back up and running again! Re-filled it at the weekend, it's sitting there with a couple of pieces of bogwood in it, pumping water round, and last night I ordered a load of plants for delivery at the end of the week. Is it crazy to be this excited do you think! :D
Sang72 said:
Not crazy at all :D . Keep a close eye on your chequebook your tank will have a habit of draining it mysteriously. :p
:lol: Well I already had the tank & a lot of equipment from my previous set-up, but the substrate, bogwood, new light, other things I can't remember, and loads of plants have certainly swallowed the credit card! - with more to come, yes! :D
Lets see, I was given a complete setup, but thought hmm better get some algae eaters (knowing how lazy I am), £5.

Then thought, ooh this tank has to look neat so better get some real plants, £5.

Dont want these little fellas dieing on me better get a test kit £24

ooh those rocks look nice, give them somewhere to hide, £6

Time goes by.... hhhmm want to give the plecos a balanced diet (bought to eat algae) so got some pleco food £3....

ooh them plants look a little limp, better get them some food too! £3.50.

Damn, plants need more lights, £35

Oh nuts, my tap water is full of nitrates, more plants needed, £10

SSsoo my free setup has cost me £91.50.... so far :D
Ha! LOL.....congrats on the new tank, however I know what you mean about the free tank! I got a 10 gallon from my mom, already had a stand, filter, hood, and heater, and plants. So i'm thinking WOOHOOOOO free tank! YEAH RIGHT!

New bigger heater= $20.00
Filter cartridges= $10.00
Gravel= $25.00
Some more plants= $15.00

LOL so my Free set-up cost me: $100.00

LOL :rofl:
Gotta love those fish tanks!
Nina, that 10-gallon will turn into a 30-gallon before you know it :lol: . Our 55-gallon turned into a 240-gallon :eek: .
CMC said:
Nina, that 10-gallon will turn into a 30-gallon before you know it :lol: . Our 55-gallon turned into a 240-gallon :eek: .
You're right! My 10 turned into a 30, right before my eyes!
Ha! LOL....CMC.....Yeah somehow my 30 gallon mysteriously turned into a 55 gallon! hehehehe just waiting for the day that my 55 gallon mysteriously turns into a 150 gallon! LOL :rofl:
jams.alaskan said:
Hey WWE, what did you use for a substrate? I'm going to try a planted tank and I'm just ollking for ideas.

I've used a layer of sand mixed with deponit, which is basically a nutrient-rich substance made by Dennerle - any nutrient stuff like laterite would probably do a similar job I should think. Then I've got a layer of fine lime-free gravel on top.

Don't know how well it works yet though - I'll let you know when the plants have been in there a while! :)

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