It's Raining Shrimps :)


Fish Herder
Jun 1, 2006
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Every time I do a water change in my Amano shrimp/dwarf puffer tank, I find lots of amano shrimp zoes (larvae). This time I notice quite a lot more of them. It may be due to the cooler water I added this time :)

The zoes are too small and wiggly to focus on but you get the idea :lol:

this might sound really freaky. :lol: but i had a dream about breeding these last night...

i caught loads of the zoes, and then put them in a 10gal tank which was half filled. and then in the mornings, i would add 1table spoon of salt into a tiny bit of water, mix it up, and then add it to the tank, and then in the evenings, i'd add 2 table spoons. I did this for a week and then i started doing tiny daily water changes topping up with freshwater. I ended up with 6 amano shrimp. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Maybe try something like this? hmmm.
Nice pics, ickle wee baby shrimp, thanks for sharing :D.

Never seen any zoes from my shrimp, but then none of the 3 filters in the tank are covered, and there's fish in the tank.
When it's all geared up for shrimp, I hope to give rearing some of these a go :D.
Considering that you can buy ready mixed marine water these days I don't see why raising the zoes to adulthood should be so difficult these days. All you need is a tiny little tank with an air driven sponge filter in it, fill it with marine water (as sold in many LFS these days), get some Hobby liquizil brine shrimp food to feed them with, then just follow the rest of the guide here. You should at least get a few more shrimp out of it, and the nice warm feeling of some success.

I don't have any filter guard on the intake tube for this tank. The zoes just get sucked up by the filter or eaten by my dwarf puffers (if they notice them that is :lol: ) I don't normally see so many after a water change but this time they just appeared right after I topped up with fresh water (a little cooler) and they are photosensitive so were gathering just underneath the lights before I turned on the filter. Found a couple of shrimp moults the next morning and the females berried again :D I have 1M/4F in there and hardly ever see the females not berried.

Wish it was as simple as you dreamed Esfa :rolleyes: You know I don't even have a fry tank for my beloved DP fry, nevermind a tank for breeding amano shrimps :lol: Maybe one day I will give it a try. Would love to hear some success stories from you guys here first though :D
I do feel a tad sad to see the doomed little guys, fish dont seem to notice them, unless they move right in front of the fish.
Nice pics of the tiny lil zoes. :good:
I would give it a try, but it appears i only have one sex of amanos. :(
Thanks Liam :D

Poor baby shrimpies..... Maybe you can try to save them!!??!

:sad: Unfortunately they will only survive a few days in freshwater. Not much I can do to save them. I find zoes almost weekly. Simply don't have the space nor resources to raise thousands amano babies :/ :blush:

I would give it a try, but it appears i only have one sex of amanos. :(

Esfa, go and get some more for your project Amano :lol: I wait to hear good news from you ;)
Esfa, go and get some more for your project Amano :lol: I wait to hear good news from you ;)

I would, but im amazingly skint. :p wont have a penny to my name for the next 2 months. :(
Managed to take a few clearer pictures of some Amano zoes today. They are a few days old I think.



I've never seen any zoes, but i've always kept my Amano with fish so its hardly surprising.

Those are some awesome pictures.

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