It's my turn! 3 Betta boys rescued.

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Fish Crazy
Mar 27, 2005
Reaction score
Hobart, Tas
I went in with my hubby to a LFS that I had previously been bitterly dissappointed with.
We were there examining all the fish, and at the time a woman who works there was changing the water on the Betta cups. We were there looking at the cory's of which I am trying to find some reasonably priced pygmies. They aren't by the way cheap $12.95 each!!!!
Anyway, the woman comes over to us and just offers us three of her fishes, 1 half moon masked butterfly, half moon copper black and blue super delta who all have varying degrees of fin rot. Hubby immediately said yes, I was a little reluctant as I don't have any where to house them yet, and we will need to buy more meds. But then she mentioned they were free and if we didn't take them they'd just be feeders to the barramundi. I couldn't allow that to happen! I said of course we'll find something for them to live in and buy some betta fix too. We are looking at some tanks later today- 28 litre each and we'll add other things later after their healthy. Like pygmie cories, cloud minnows and other such cute and wonderful tank mates. A little rearranging and they'll fit quite nicely and hopefully heal up very well.
Post pics soon. Poor guys are in filth cups and I have to go change the water.
Good for you and getting thoese fishes! Please post pics when you can :)
Thanks everyone! :D Just did water changes to their cups so at least their comfortable until they have their new homes! I will take the pics before (in the cups) and after (in their new tanks) but it will take a couple of hours to organise everything...

But thier worth it, they are looking less stressed and flaring at each other already! :thumbs:

I am glad you didn't let her feed them to the other thing. (w/e it was)

I sometimes want to go to the stores and buy the feeders and keep them as petsd, but they are treated so badly in the store that the have little cances of living. My LFS had atleast 100 comet golds in a 29g aquarium with a fluval filter and aeration stone. Sad, sad, sad...

Good luck with your new additions :)
UPDATE: Well they had their salt baths, then were added to their new tanks. Heres a pic of their new tanks totally set up as three hospital tanks.


They are happily swimming around but only one ate! :sad:

Here are the before they went into their new tanks, in their salt baths (in the cups we were given them in).




They don't seem to look as bad as they looked before.

And one more pic, this one is the only one I could get to stay still and close enough to take a pic of, and he was posing.


Now a few answers:
Barra is short for Barramundi, its a common fish to eat here in Australia, and they are big, or can get big. Yep some cories are that expensive, it just depends how hard they are to get here. We actually got quite a few golden barbs (think that is what they are called) 40cents each as dither fish in a new community we've set up recently. Thanks again everyone, I will keep you all updated as they improve. I doubt they'll say no to blood worms for tea tommorrow night. They'd have to have strong will power for that!
xanthianacid said:
But then she mentioned they were free and if we didn't take them they'd just be feeders to the barramundi.

I want to call that place and chew their EARS off for considering feeding these guys to something. That makes me COMPLETELY crazy. If they can't handle selling their fish or presenting them in such a way that people will want to buy them THEN THEY SHOULDN'T HAVE THEM IN THE FIRST PLACE.

I wonder how many times this happens everywhere.

Man, those are some lucky fish.
Good for you for giving them a good home.

Can I ask - why did they get a salt bath?
wtf?? feeders for barramundi?? WHAT THE FUC*K IS WRONG W/ THESE PEOPLE?????
Bettamomma, we gave them a salt bath to help against tailrot, if it is bacterial based it should help to stop it so they can get back on track to healing/growing their tails/fins back.

I agree with everyone, unbelievable that they were only going to be given up as hopeless cases to be fed to the Barra. They are already responding to being treated well. Poor little guys :sad: But at least they got a good chance now... :D They have been naughty in the past - they used to stock dyed fish but I sicked the RSPCA on to them and they've stopped.

I just went to check on them, they are all alive and I can't see a sign of last nights tea in there so that's a good sign, they were covered up so they couldn't stress themselves out by flaring and for the meds to work well too. I couldn't inspect them through that green water - couldn't see if their tail rot is getting better. I hope so, but they all have a lot of life in them which is great.

So we are going to buy an air pump and make up some sponge filters in their tanks today. They might as well get the best chance to get better as we can give them. :nod:
They're going to such lovely boys when they get feeling better. I can't imagine anyone wanting to feed such lovely fish to anything.
I can see that they are already lovely, they're just going to get cuter. :D I wonder just how big thier tails are meant to be? -_-
They no longer have fin rot :thumbs:
They have some peaceful companions like cloud minnows to make them happy, its substrated in black rocks, a few plants and a filter each. They seem much happier and content, eating well and trying to flare. There is melafake in the water, and some salt to help them heal. Just waiting now for fins to grow back!
I know Lucky is taking some time but has made great progress, I'm just wondering is there a rough estimate how long it might take? ;)
Cheers, All. Xan :beer:
I'll take more pics in the morning to add. :snap:
I'm not trying to sound rude, but exactly which fish "should" be fed to meat eating fish then? Are any of the other fish less worthy that they "should" be fed to something.

Just because one is prettier then another doesn't mean it has any more right to life then another. And you can't say none..because then the meat eating fish would starve..and they can't help that God made then Carnivores.

I know plenty of people who feed their culls to carnivorous's just how the animal world works. If they were in the wild it would happen just the same....weaker fish would be eaten by stronger fish. We all need to realize they are fish and not people...the rules don't work the same way for them that they do for us. God put them here with a pre-set plan in place.

Think about that.

Now on the second hand..I'm trying to understand why they would feed obviously sick fish to their otherwise healthy fish. You may want to mention that to them the next time you are in there. That feeding sick fish to healthy fish is rather dumb.

But they look like they should be lovely fish..but they were charging $48 a piece for those fish? Little High imo.

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