Its Gone


New Member
Jan 29, 2006
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can anyone help me by explaining why the back of my blackmoors eye is rotting away, and how to help heal it. any help much appreciated.

When you say its eye is rotting away, does it look swollen/inflamed, sore/bleeding, covered in slime or looks cloudy, white cottony growths etc?
well when his eye turns you can see it move from the back. its sort of white and stringy stuff, looks a bit pinky red too.
Can you get any pics of the infection? Sounds like columnaris, treat with an anti bacterial and fungal med like Pimafix as well as regular water changes with dechlorinator, how many gallons is the tank the fish is in and is it filtered? Are you keeping the fish with any other inhabitants?
gonna take a pic of him now when i move him to a smaller tank cos my other fish have started to eat him.
tank is 12.46 uk gallons. and yes it is filtered with an undergravel one and another stick on the back one. i also have a 2 catfish, a shark , plecostomus, and bout 3 others im not sure of.
gonna take a pic of him now when i move him to a smaller tank cos my other fish have started to eat him.
tank is 12.46 uk gallons. and yes it is filtered with an undergravel one and another stick on the back one. i also have a 2 catfish, a shark , plecostomus, and bout 3 others im not sure of.

You must ID your fish as most that you have listed already are incompatable with fancy goldfish, and will only cause further stress to the fish if you continue to keep them with it unfortunately even after it gets better. Shark type fish in general will grow very large and there aren't any types that will live out their lives in a 30gal unfortunately, do your sharks look anything like these;

? How long has the tank been set up?
its been set up for about a year and a half. the shark is an albino rainbow shark. or Epalzeorhynchos frenatum (Labeo frenatus).
im sure the others are mollies. 2 are red and 3 are yellow with black spots.
the last one i was told was a scissor tailed shark.

how large a tank does a shark need to live.
So the eye is at the back now? Need a side and front pic as well. Ive never seen anything like that before and can only assume some kind of trauma has ripped open the telescope at the back. You need to put that fish in a ten gallon on its own.
its been set up for about a year and a half. the shark is an albino rainbow shark. or Epalzeorhynchos frenatum (Labeo frenatus).
im sure the others are mollies. 2 are red and 3 are yellow with black spots.
the last one i was told was a scissor tailed shark.

how large a tank does a shark need to live.

Will need at least a 200litre tank;

Mollies need 15gals for the first 3, 2-5gals for every one after that. Mollies don't come in red though, so its likely that you either have platys or female swordtails or both. Platys need a minimum of 10gals, sowrdtails need a minimum of 15gals.
The two main types of mollys are balloon mollys and standard/sailfin ones.
Balloon molly;

Male sailfin molly;

Female dalmation molly;

Swordtail and platy females can look very similar, the only noticeable difference been swordtail females grow larger and are often more slender/longer than platy females.
Female swordtail;

Male swordtail;

Male and female swordtails together;

Female platy;

Male platy;

Male and female platys together;

As you can see in just these few examples given, these three species of livebearer fish come in an array of colors, so a pic of yours would be the best in helping ID your fish. I have no idea what the scissor tail shark is for now, you may be able to ID it in the Cyprinids or Oddballs sections though. The pleco is probably a common or sailfin plec;

common pleco;

Sailfin plec;

:thumbs: .
all gd now. hes more or less fully recovered. think hes blind though in the one eye because he keeps swimming into the side of the tank when swimming with his bad eye to the glass.

just 1 more thing to add to his ever increasing list of diseases.
FYI, Most catfish get HUGE... some like more than 2ft! Pelco's can reach just below 2ft also... Pelcos & red-fin (aka rainbow) sharks also get aggressive/& territorial w/age. The albino ones get about 4in long, but don't like the high garbage load of goldies, and prefer the water to be warmer, up toward 80 F.

Pelcos (and other algae eaters) & goldies should NEVER be together, because as they get older, they tire of the algae, and begin to suck on the slime coats of slower moving fish. Double tailed goldies are an easy catch for them.

Best to do research so you know what fish you are getting, what their needs are, and whom they will get along with best. and when in doubt, ask! Also... I think (but am not sure) that black moors have impared eyesight to begin with, FYI.

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