It's funny


Fish Aficionado
Sep 25, 2003
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My filter stopped working over 2 months ago, it was plugged in and all, but it just stopped. Well, I unplugged it, tried different outlets, checked the power strip, etc., but it seemed that the thing was busted.

Well, I had never thrown it away, actually it was still hung over the side of the tank, since I was too lazy to move it. Anyways, I did a major overhaul on my tanks and decided to try the filter out, and it worked.

Any reason why it wouldn't work for about a week and then start working magically a few months after?
The only thing I can thing of is a buildup of moisture somehow got into the wiring and weeks go by and the moisture is gone. Or it could be gremlins. :D
What kind of filter ?, most of the newer ones the impeller sits inside water proof plastic cavity , between both of these 2 parts this is basically a motor . Any way detritus and other junk can collect in this area causing this motor to stop working or work improperly, in your case maybe not being plugged in may have caused this build up to move just enough to allow the motor to work .

Unless you cleaned the filter as well , in that case you may caused it to work again .

So what kind of filter is it ?
Whisper something or other. Older model.

I did absolutely nothing to it, save move it an inch or so...
The other night it was windy and our power kept blinking off for a split second. A bit later my husband noticed the tank water wasn't moving. The filter was still humming, but no water was going through it. I took out the impeller thingy and spun it a couple times, then put it back and it worked fine. I turn the filter off every so often when I feed them frozen bloodworms so I don't know why it stayed off this time. Weird. :dunno:
Thats good that it started again but I wouldn't trust it! just think what would happen if during the night it broke down and if it's winter like it is here you would wake up and find a fish tank popsicle. I'd buy a new one just to be on the safe side.
I used to have problems with the older fluval internals, the ones before the + series. When the impeller or impeller shaft got dirty they would sometimes need switching on and off a few times before they started, sometimes I would have to turn them on and give em a knock and away they went.


Nope, none of the above.

It's the Fairys.

With the help of the Gremlins.

Assisted by the Pixies.



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