It's finally happened ><


Fish Herder
Feb 17, 2005
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I started a new job today, at a place that sells "the good kind" of betta vase.

Just so I don't get glared at: It doesn't come with plants that simply had the dirt knocked off and plugged into the hole. It comes with several sprigs of Pothos, which have all been water rooted specifically to go into betta vases, in the shop. Each vase is about a gallon size, they're decent size vases. They also have little handouts that tell you how to care for them, and there's plenty of air circulation. They only carry around 3 or 4 such vases at a time, and of the 4 they currently have, only 2 actually come with plants stuck in them. The water is in great condition. They're even building little bubble nests. Personally, I think betta vases are ugly, even when they're done with the betta's health in mind before the plant's.

I walked in, saw the vases, saw a beautiful white one with lots of personality on his face and little blue and brown spots all over him, and Immediately went ><;

Except they charge $45 regular price for the whole betta set up, and even with the discount I'll be getting working there, that's still $26 for the betta, the vase, and the pothos, and they refuse to sell me just the betta all on his lonesome.

Maybe I can tell people he's really sickly, comes from a line of bettas prone to sudden death, and the blue spots are some kind of disease that humans can get?

Betta Pox.

That way I can see him every day.
etree said:
Maybe I can tell people he's really sickly, comes from a line of bettas prone to sudden death, and the blue spots are some kind of disease that humans can get?

Betta Pox.

That way I can see him every day.
He reminds me of a little english setter, or something. Other than being gorgeous and healthy, I've never seen a fish look more bored in my life. There's another one with brown spots on his tail, and he flares at you if you look at him funny. A marble blue, and one that's almost solid white. Veiltails, the lot of them.

I wonder why the spotty one that I like reminds me so much of a puppy? Oo
Actually, he's one of them that doesn't have a plant. So he's in an empty, clean vase with a few blue marbles. So he just hovers near the top of the vase, waiting for someone to pay attention to him.
BettaMomma said:
Take out the dumb plant when no one is looking and give him some cabomba to play around in. They love it! :)
And on a side note, what is 'cabomba'? While I google it and search the forums, it'd also be nice if someone kind of confirmed my searches....
google says it's a weed that's taking over the warmer USA. Oo

It looks kinda pretty. Sori would probably appreciate those more than skunk cabbage.

I just realized I made the betta at the shop sound forlorn and cute, and in need of rescuing. Rather like a Disney Princess, except..... you know... finny.
A nice fluffy plant which is good for fry to hide in

I have limited success with the stuff in my tanks though, the platies eat it!
Joby said:
A nice fluffy plant which is good for fry to hide in

I have limited success with the stuff in my tanks though, the platies eat it!
Would it sort of have the "same look and feel" of java moss, then? I'm always debating getting a hunk of java moss to put in my 10G, except.... I don't trust my LFS, they keep their only supply of java moss in their goldfish tank. All their other saleable plants are in a seperate tank, with their own seperate box filter. Only the java moss is sold from the goldfish tank.
Here it is :)


It has a similar feel to java moss but more of a plant as you can see and not so much in a clump.

Wonder why they keep the java moss in the goldfish tank :unsure:
I think when I had goldfish (teenager), I had plastic versions of that. When my parents sent over my old 10G tank for me, they included all my old aquarium relics. Including the plastic version of that. It literally fell apart as I lifted it out of the box. I know bettas shouldn't be in the same tank with plastic plants, but I always liked the shape of that particular one.

I don't suppose it's as easy to care for as java fern, eh?

Oh, and I wish I knew why they did that. It's a real let down, especially since I know they recently had to medicate their entire aquarium room. If they only had a tank for the java moss, I'd have bought it. Ironically, since their "feeder fish" and "feeder shrimp" (in this case, ghost shrimp), are considered dangerous, they were the only ones spared the mass medication.

I bought a little tankmate for Sori, a ghost shrimp named "Past" (because I'm that kind of person), and sadly, he died rather quickly. I blame myself. I wasn't gentle enough with the chemical change (in other words, I only let him float 'n mix for half an hour, instead of many hours, I don't know, I read that half an hour was enough for 'em, I guess next time I'll have to do it for way longer. At least two, which is the grace time I accord Sori when I move him from salt to fresh.)

I didn't mention his arrival and passing here, because I figured it didn't matter to you all, all that much.

I think I decided on the 10G. I'll keep my little Sori right at bedside, with a few ghost shrim -- I read that a 2.5 G can handle 3-4 Ghost shrimp and 1 betta, or has google lied to me again? -- and put some African Dwarf Frogs in my 10G... I'm smitten with them, I admit.

edit, edit:
If I were allowed 3 ghost shrimp, the slightly annoying punster in me would want to name them all "past", "present", and "future",, and the writer in me would find it painfully amusing that I would never be able to tell them apart.
I used to have Ghost-Shrimp with my Betta, if you do get Ghost-Shrimp- make sure they have a place like a broken piece of pottery or something to hide under while they are molding. During those 24 hours they are very soft and can easy be picked or even killed by the fish- Betta's after all are carnivorous and I found that my Betta wouldn't mind the smaller G-Shrimps, but got violent to one big Ghost-Shrimp about a good half inch long! I don't think the fact that you didn't let him float long enough killed him! All of my G-Shrimps got put in right away and none of them minded,means they went to eat right away, they are pretty tuff. Sometimes I think they just get hurt while they get caught with the net ore something! Make sure your water isn't supersoft, they need at least a good bit of hardness in the water for their molding and so the armor can harden after their moldingprocess wich takes about 24 hours, their empty skin looks very pften like a dead ghost-Shrimp! :D

Oh, and one very important thing- I learned the hard way that you better have a lid on your Tank, because Ghost-Shrimp can jump and they will. I gave up on G-Shrimps for right now, since I can't put a lid on my Tank because of the external Filter and keep them safe- all of the comitted suicide and jumped out! I tried another time after that because I thought I might have not seen them while the waterchanges and they maybe had been stuck on the bowl when I lifted it out the water and then they fell off! No, now I know they JUMP litterally like Frogs- so if you don't have a lid (means you can't use one for what ever reason-like me) better not go with G-Shrimps! :p

As for the fishy, if you really like him- better get him soon! You'll never know if there willbe not somebody else walking in and falling in love with your fishy! You'll regret bitterly nto not have bought him!

I think the prices are kind fo hush-puppy for, in your case, just a Betta (even when he looks as cute as yours), the bowl/vase, some gravel and some marbles in it! :drool:

I'm guessing you mean, "it's a good deal, all things considering"?

I *knew* you people would be a bad influence on me.

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