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Nov 22, 2007
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Black Beard the Betta looks to have fin rot again. I thought I had fixed it with Maracyn Two, but last night I nticed a pin sized hole in his fin. Today when I went to change his tank I notcied that the hole had gotten bigger.

So I put in some Betta Fix Remedy for him and will see how he responds to that. I'm thinking about giving him a salt bath later...
Black Beard the Betta looks to have fin rot again. I thought I had fixed it with Maracyn Two, but last night I nticed a pin sized hole in his fin. Today when I went to change his tank I notcied that the hole had gotten bigger.

So I put in some Betta Fix Remedy for him and will see how he responds to that. I'm thinking about giving him a salt bath later...
Do you add aquarium salt to your tank regularly? I usually add aquarium salt (not much because there is still remaining salt in the tank) to my tanks at about 3rd water change, And once a month a will put a fungus cleaner tablet in there tank to help out. I have not seen any problems with tail rot. It is worth a try. I just do what my betta guru tells me, she has been raising bettas for years and seems to know her stuff. It is better to keep disease from ever getting in the tank then having to fight it when it lands all over your babies.

[Love the name of your fish by the way!!!!
No I don't usually add salt to my tank, frankly I am a little scared to.

I'm not sure how much to use, how often, ect.

I know! Isn't his name awesome? He's white and blue and red and purple, but when he flares, he has a black beard! When he had pop-eye I even went as far as saying "well if he looses an eye from this, at least he'll be a real pirate" :)

*thankfully he didn't*

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