it's an unusual set up for a tank, but the Hillstream's seem to like it...

Magnum Man

Fish Aficionado
Tank of the Month 🏆
Fish of the Month 🌟
Jun 21, 2023
Reaction score
Southern MN
it doesn't win popularity contests, but the fish can't vote... A bamboo forest theme, carries through to the tank background... these heavy resin pagodas, were intended for yard and garden use... I wanted some interesting structure to grow algae on, so there are 2 in this 55 gallon... also lots of greenery, with literally no shade to inhibit algae growth with 50 stalks of lucky bamboo lined up around 3 sides, having the bamboo actually in the 20 inch bubble waterfall, has turned out to be one of their favorite features... it consists of 2 - 10 inch air stone bars back to back, in the center of the tank, along the back... the actual air stones are just under the gravel, which is a medium river gravel, with all rounded edges... the Pothos vines are actually planted in another aquarium, but the vines grow across this tank... the vines have dropped what I call foot-roots into this tank, from above, and I find them to look like vines, in the center of the tank, one bushy root bunch on one side, provides food and shelter for some rarer lizard style babies, that have been growing well... once the vines grew across the top of the tank, and beyond, I trimmed all the leaves off the vines that were actually between the lights, and this tank, to eliminate any shade, keeping the algae growing at maximum... the lights are mounted 18 inches over the tank... I keep the water between 70 and 73 degrees... all in all the fish do a good job keeping the glass clean... I keep a magnet scrapper handy, and polish the front glass once a month or so... a handful of Denison barbs, and Panda garras, a pair of Flying Foxes, a single Kissing gourami, and a few Cherry shrimp round out the non Hillstream population... Hillstream's include both the stingray shape, and the lizard body styles... with 2 Tidal 75's and the 20 inch bubbles, there is lots of water movement and aeration... it has a unique appearance, but was designed for the Hillstream's to thrive... it's really an ark type display tank, with many different varieties of Hillstream's all thriving together...


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