It's Alive!


New Member
Feb 23, 2007
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I just brought home a piece of cured live rock and noticed a bubblegum pink and purple worm looking thing with a red dot on its (?) head. It looks a little like a centipede and is about an inch to and inch and a half long. What is this thing! I've never seen anything like this on our other live rock. Its possible there's more than one too. There's also a little white worm hiding in there somewhere. Are these things anything to worry about or are they completely normal? Or are they just potential fish food?
Yeah, just watch your fingers around them, their bristles can offer a nasty sting ;)
I rarely see them in my tank these days but I managed to get stung regularly :grr: I think I should have learned my lesson by now and started wearing gloves ALL the time. Funnily enough though it seems to hurt less each time I get stung:)
They rather go to Sponges over corals.

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