Its A Long Shot


Fish Herder
Apr 20, 2007
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weston, UK
i have a spare 15gallon tank would a senegal birchir be okay in there for a while or would a dwarf snakehead be a better option? do birchirs grow quick and i can easily rehome it when it gets too big
i just asked about senegals myself, and got some very good answers i might add. yes you can keep a senny in a 15 gallon for a while, the largest they need as adults is a 30 gallon. i dont know anything about snakeheads, sorry. here's a link to the thread i started concerning senegal bichirs. Anne (beblondie) has some extremely good information.

hope it helps. :good:

here's a link to the index profile for senegal bichirs

not sure about snakeheads, id find a link for you but i think there are different kinds and i might get the wrong one or something.
IMO, senegals should not go into a 15gl, unless it is only for like a week. Senegals grow very fast and will easily outgrow a 15gl quickly.

the largest they need as adults is a 30 gallon
I believe you meant that a 30 is the minimum. I keep mine in a 125gl and I couldn't imagine having it in anything that small. IMO, try to put a Senegal into the largest tank possible, to keep it as happy as possible. :good:
I believe you meant that a 30 is the minimum. I keep mine in a 125gl and I couldn't imagine having it in anything that small. IMO, try to put a Senegal into the largest tank possible, to keep it as happy as possible. :good:

ya, the minimum is 30. im trying to get my 55 gallon out of storage and set it up here in the next few weeks when i have time. im thinking im gona make it a species tank and have anywhere from 2 to 5 sennys in it, and i do plan on having it as their final home, atleast for the next 5 years or so. sound good? im not planning on them getting any bigger than 9 inches.
''im not planning on them getting any bigger than 9 inches.''
Nice plan however generally a normal healthy senegal (not counting on genetics) will reach 10-12 inches generally within a year to a year and a half
unlees you are talking about the albino variation which seem to quit growing in the 8-10'' range-Anne
oh, ok, well i guess ill just have to get a wider tank then i geuss. thanks for letting me know that, i might have been stuck needing a new tank all of the sudden :lol: my 55 gallon is 48" x 12.5" x 21". is this big enough for an adult? ad if so how many adults can i reasonably put in there? if i need a bigger tank what deminsions should i get?
Bigger is always better if you could get a tank 48x18 you'll be better off in the long run but your 55 will be fine for a cpl of adults.Heres the problem these fish as they mature can become very territorial.A bigger tank allows more room for aquascaping and adding possible tankmates-Anne
hmmm ok, i might get only one. i went to a lfs today and talked to a guy there about setting up my 55 gallon and he gave me a lot of really good info about T5 lighting and what not. he was really polite and helpful which was refreshing to find in a fish store employee so i think i might have found my store :good: ill keep yall posted on my progress on it thoughout this summer ^_^
30gall isnt large enough for a full grown Senegal imo, i tried it and found my girl bumping into the glass on far too many occasions, so now she is in a 65 gall with far more space.
30gall isnt large enough for a full grown Senegal imo, i tried it and found my girl bumping into the glass on far too many occasions, so now she is in a 65 gall with far more space.
Sadly, even in a 6ft tank mine still bumps into the glass. :rolleyes:

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