It's a boy......It's a boy......It's a boy......


Fish Gatherer
May 23, 2003
Reaction score
Washington State
I am excited now...........

We are having a little boy!!!!! EEEEEEK!!!!!!

:hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper:

Here are a couple of photos I thought I'd share with my fish family (( hugs ))
* thanks Sorrell for checking up on me ;) you sweetheart you :wub: *

This first one has to be THE best ultrasound picture OF ALL TIME, hands down, sorry all you moms, but come on, look at this wittow baby............ :hyper: :hyper:


Sorry to offend anyone, but isn't this cute????? :wub: :-( :wub:


Your basic ultrasound pose ;) :

:hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper:
:wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:

I am so excited!!!! :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: Little baby boy :wub: That first one is the sweetest shot, just sleeping like a little angel :-( :wub:

Congrats, I'm so happy for you :wub:

It wouldn't let me post because it said I have too many emotions :-(
I believe you can tell the gender by ultrasounding the... doohickey.

That's going to need a minimum 200g tank i think, so be careful :p

Congrats! :D

Woo Hoo!! That is great news! Congrats Silver *hugs* :fun:


;) can we name him :p

How bout Fineas :D ...or if you must Phineas :lol:

Are you sure you've researched this carefully?

Babies like a lot of tacky ornaments in their tanks, with lots of sand to bury in, I'm afraid it'll be very expensive. Also, as said before, they must have at least 200gal+ tanks.

I just hope you're commited, as also, apparently, they grow fast!

Good luck!
:-( :wub: :-( :wub: :-(

You guys are so sweet!!!!! And funny to boot!!

Actually, I have another picture of"doo-hickey" < :rofl: .
I just didn't post that one :lol: I thought that was too much anatomy for the wee ones :dunno: ;)

Where ya'been suemack :hyper:

edit>>> Oh ya.... Digital Run, you didn't really mean what kind of tank am I gonna get to stick the baby in....did you!!!!! :eek:

JK ;)

:lol: :rofl:
silver said:
:-( :wub: :-( :wub: :-(

You guys are so sweet!!!!! And funny to boot!!

Where ya'been suemack :hyper:

:lol: :rof
;) I pop in and out most days to see wot yore all up to :p

OK..... :dunno: so not to keen on Fineas huh ..............

:whistle: well then, how bout Flipper!! Flip for short :lol:

you take care there Silver :D

Aw thats fantastic silver,congratulations,but i think he is quite happy in the tank he is floating about in now :nod:

How far are you?
Congratulations Silver

And Yes Whe You gonna Get Him his 1st Tank :lol:
Congratulations!!! How exciting! Ack.. I cant wait to get my next ultrasound!

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