Its A Biggin...


Sep 8, 2011
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The Hoosier's Nest
I got a giant male betta today from the pet store, ive been wanting him for awhile got the name picked out and every thing lol, so with out further a do here is Sarge
(last male for good i promised myself we'll how that goes)


I like the blue. Never seen king bettas for sale in the uk, I don't think I've even seen them for sale online and in stock.
they had about 7 or 8 of them where i went today

i was talking to the lady today and she said she had a thai man come and was freaking out cus they had giant bettas in stock and he was like "give me 8 of them"
lol the looks of him kind of scares me, lol my plaket male looks just like him hope he dose not get that big haha,

i also got mine from a shop, though i was more on the lines of saving him, nice and happy now though,
Wow he's magnificent. Almost unreal! :hyper: I'm a little bit in love.
o im with you im starting to fall in love to....he is the BIGGEST baby ever lol every time i walk into the room i got his full attention and he will follow me (will always pay attention when i make kissing sounds LOL) and will start to flare in protest of me leaving like "uh excuse me i was done looking at you" a real gentle men to the ladies and love's to show off for them, he's really cool glad i got him ^_^

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