It's a bad sign when...

The February FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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I have a point, just don't ask me what it is
May 21, 2005
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my own little world, which is currently in Norther
You've already decide on what you will call a betta before you decide if you will buy him or not.

Needless to say "Crash" is now swimming around on my shelf. I don't have pix yet, but his face looks kinda like he ran into a wall (alot more round than normal).
lol, I know how that feels. *laugh* I'm currently guilty of bribing my boyfriend into getting me fish... 99 He is a lovely little steel blue CT, it was worth the hours of complaining and the backrub to get him. :D My name is Mina and I'm a bettaholic...

Congrats on your new boy.
Its not a bad sign.

All off my bettas and my Dwarf Gourami where named that way. And hopfully Crash will have a good home with you :)
LoL, not a bad sign at all. :)
I had already decided on what I was going to name all 6 of my goldfish before I got them.

When I got Fatima, I knew she was Fatima. It just fit her so well for some reason...she's small and sassy :wub:

Fabio...It came to me before I bought him. I knew I wanted a Fabio to go with Fatima as it sounded good together. Even with his darn finrot, he's still a supermodel :p

Lolita, I'm not just sounded right. I thought Lita maybe, but Lolita had a certian flare to it. Originally I thought I'd name her Zelda, then get a boy and name him Link...but I don't want another boy anytime soon until Fabio is a-ok :thumbs:

I guess I like musical names with flare :fun:
Well, that settles it! I just today ordered 9 new bettas off Aquabid. I started to think up names but then told myself, "Hold on! Wait until they get here."

No way now, bucko! I am going to let myself think of names. BUT they have to be the PERFECT names...perfect betta names...hmm, I could sit here for hours just coming up with perfect betta names...(you all probably think I am kidding, I am not)
I have a whole list of names lined up and I am strictly forbidden to bring anything live into this house unless it is a plant or it will be eaten by my lizzard.

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