It was too late...


Fish Crazy
Jun 4, 2003
Reaction score
Orange County, CA
:( I just came back from lunch and when I took a peek at my fish, I saw one on the bottom. I thought it was sleeping so I moved my hand to the glass in front of it because he normally comes to my hand... He didnt move... I looked closely at him, and didnt see any movement... I ran my hand on the glass for a few seconds... nothing...

I think that the algae problem I have right now threw off the water and made it toxic. I will be taking my other puffer home tonight and trying to set him up in a place where he can hopefully... survive... I dont know though... Im pretty nervous about that, but I figure its better I try and save him, then just leave him where he is (knowing he will die...) :( Any ideas? Puffer? I dont know if I should get another puffer, or just let this one live on her own for a while and see how she does... what do you think?
Sorry to hear that you've lost your puffer :( I would probably wait on getting another one, until you sort out why you are having problems. What kind of puffers do you have? From what I know, puffers have to be kept in top notch water conditions, so maybe your problem is stemming from your water conditions? I'm sure Pufferpack will be able to help you out more. I hope the other little guy makes it.
Thanks Mogo. Thats pretty much what I was thinking too... I have a dwarf puffer... I had three, then I think the two killed the third one (she was the smallest) and now I lost the other female...
i personally have no oppinon on it because i have never owned any puffers but i just wanted to say good luck..
Sorry to hear you lost one of your little guys :sad: , but that is one of the drawbacks of the smaller tanks, they can turn on you so quickly. As Mogo was saying puffers are very sensitive to water conditions. I would recomend moving your survivor to another tank, he should be Ok with any other non-aggressive fish for the short term (will probably nip fins a bit) until you can get his tank cleaned up. When you go to move him try to keep him submerged at all times if possible to avoid him gulping air.
From what I understand he will be fine on his own, but I prefer to keep mine with friends (I think they will get lonely :/ ), if you do pick up a couple of females you will have to introduce them to the tank first and let them get comfy before putting him back in, and be sure change the decor around a bit so he thinks it is a new tank, or chances are he will bully the "invaders" to death if they are added to the tank with him in it.
sorry to hear about the lil guy :sad: loosing fish is hard i know...i once killed about 50 goldfish in about 2 months but i was 10 :-(

good luck bud.
sorry puffer, I didnt see that you posted too. I just read it and I will do those things you say. I think they get lonely too. ;) Thanks for the advice. My puffer and I appreciate it. :)
sorry about your loss. puffers are very cool fish. if you follow pufferpacks advice you should be fine though. he got mad fish keeping skills.

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