Isolating fish


Fish Fanatic
Jan 19, 2022
Reaction score
London, UK

In the event that fish get aggressive and territorial (inevitable I'm finding - with the caveat I'm researching as much as possible), is there a good way to isolate them without getting a second aquarium?

I have a large 450L tank, so is there a recommended breeder tank that is quite large for use on a temporary basis?

It might be good to have one at the back of the cupboard just in case.


R. :)
It’s never a good idea to put a fish in a container that’s too small, and 9 times out of 10 it has zero affect on aggression. You can’t change a fish’s personality. It begs the question, why are you planning on keeping fish that might need isolated? It’s only “inevitable” if you keep the wrong fish together. What fish are you concerned about?
Just a hypothetical question.

Mostly peacock cichlids. When the hierarchy settles they should be fine, but finding the Aulonocaras are often unpredictable.

Introducing more fish with the next batch as it's supposed to be simpler that way - but in the event some stop eating or are targeted I thought it might be good to have one in reserve. However, based on the above, probably not.
A ‘tank within the tank’ will be too small and just add to the stress. An independent filtered spare tank would be much better.

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