Island Of Bubbles, What Happens With Bettas In 25gs


Fish Aficionado
Apr 22, 2004
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Well i was dfoing a water change on my 1 g bowl and had no where to put my Orange VT, so i put him in my spare 25g hospital tank(empty).
He seemed happy and decided to see what would happen if i left him in there, so i fed him and turned off the lights.
and i woke up this morning to this:


Usually he and the rest of my Bettas do their bubble nests in the corner or on the side of the tank, but i think this one got too happy and has blown the biggest nest ive ever seen him do, and he's still going!

Just wanted to share :)
Personally I find it interesting finding out what factors prompt bubblenesting.

How old was the water in the tank, are there any chems in there?

How funny is it that they seem to be able to build bubblenests when there is no chance of them ever coming close to a female, yet you pop them in the spawn tank and nope, not on your nelly!
IronMaiden Fan, just because a post topic does not interest you doesn't mean that it is a "pointless" topic. I think that this shows that someting about the conditions of his spare tank - be it the space, temperature stability, etc. has made the betta very content, and ready to breed at that. It might be a helpful observation for people whose bettas kept in smaller tanks make very weak bubblenests; maybe if they want to breed, they'll need to impress him with a bigger tank.
That is a great bubblenest DD. Siegmund is making one now, but it sucks by comparison. Though I am proud of him just the same. :*)

By the way, I don't see how others think this thread is pointless, when it's really rather obvious. Your betta made a huge nest, you wanted to share it with us and maybe try to figure out the reasons why. Perfectly legitimate reason to post. Correct me, of course, if I am wrong. If you just wanted to gush DD, still a legitimate reason to post. I personally love the gushing posts and the non-emergency posts. They are a welcome break from the "Help me my betta exploded!" posts, that can be stressful because you want to help the poor person and see the fish well. Both kinds have there place here and are not pointless.

Again congrats, so when is he going to teach the rest of the schlep bettas how to build? He could teach Bubblenesting for Maters or Bubblenesting 101.
Very nice! Impressive for sure! I wish some of my boys would do that instead of just blowing random bubbles. Yeah, he want's a girlfriend for sure!!! ;)
There are a few posts missing from this thread, no?
Big Brother is watching...

Just being observant. Good, it's less cluttered now. So, I have a question. What are the water perameters for the Hospital tank, DD, got specifics?
Thanks for the comments everyone :D
Betta*b*Happy - The water is about 5 months old and hasn't ever been used for sick fish, so no chemicals. I just use it as quarintine or holding tanks.

lljdma06 - I'm thinking of floating a 1g jar in the tank so they can get jealous and try/learn how to make one as big as his :nod
The PH is 7.6, heating is around 86F, and Ammonia,Nitrite and Nitrate are all at 0(i dont have plants). Anything else i'm missing out?

About Breeding him:
I wish i could breed him, i really do. But first i would like abit more time and experience with my Bettas and theres one wittle problem - he is a Veiltail :p And we don't want to breed Veils now do we :p

Just thought i would post a pic of the Boy in blowing the bubbles:

I'll try and get one of him in full flare later :)
Thanks again

PS. Yeah, i think the all seeing eye in Wuvs display pic is watching over us :p :whistle:
Aww there's my favorite boy again!! I just love looking at him!! I think he's telling you he wants to stay in the larger tank. :wub:
There are a few posts missing from this thread, no?
Big Brother is watching...
For some reason this made me laugh really hard, lol!
I think it is intresting, my bettas always make their nests in the corner.
Cool, cool!
Aww there's my favorite boy again!! I just love looking at him!! I think he's telling you he wants to stay in the larger tank. :wub:
Hehe thanks :D
Yep, i think the 25 is his permenant home :)

Thanks Ethos :)

Seen as though my other post disapeered, lol, ill say it again...

He must be pretty happy in that tank DD. Nice work. :nod: MAybe a lady friend is in order! :hey:

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