Is This True?

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Sep 1, 2005
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Nevada, USA
Is thier a fish call a Parrot Serpae Tetra? I looks like a Serpae but has a split top fin.
Thanks for you help
Went to LFS today to add 2 serpae tetras to my school and the lady showed me Parrot Serpae Tetras. I told her that mine looked the same as hers but these had a split top fin. She stated theres were Parrots. Now I came home looked on the internet and can not find this fish. I can fine parrot cichlids but this is not the fish she showed me. Can anyone help me out here? I don't want to mix up the tetras. Thanks
it might just be torn fins and they're trying to act smart by seling them under a different name? never heard of these fish either....
Thanks I just had my friend call the store and ask for the manager. He had no idea what she was talking about. We are on our way down to point them out to him. He said he wanted us to point out the employee and the fish. Wish us luck.
Thats what they were! So thanks for your help and that is not what I want. I want just plane old serpae tetras. Thanks again and that is why you do your home work!
wish I'da seen this sooner, I prolly could have replied :) My LFS has both in tanks side by side

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