Ok, currently I'm cycling my tank, it has in it sand substrate, plants, bogwood and a couple of small stones. I know Cories like hiding places so I think I'm going to need a cave of some sort. What do you guys think/recommend?
Your tank looks very cory friendly. What type of cories are you looking at? The wood is enough cover for them, as well as between the plants. I have caves in my tank and the cories don't use them. They will hide under the wood when they want to get away. What other types of fish are you thinking of adding?
Good luck and look forward to seeing cory complete tank.
That's a beautiful tank!! It's like cory heaven! They will be very happy on the substrate and resting on the bogwood. A cave or two may make them happy. My corys enjoy them. Small caves that aren't so big that you can't see into them will keep them and you happy, for you will be able to see them. My cave is wide and the opening is small, so sometimes I can't see them sometimes.
I think the rasboras are a better idea than guppies or pencilfish. Pencilfish like the top more and sometimes don't get along. Gupies like to swim, and your tank looks calm and peaceful. They may stir the sand up too. I'd suggest a harlequin rasbora if not the ones you listed... the ones with a triangle patch on them. They do well in schools and don't grow too big. They would also match your tank
Just thought id comment and say your tank looks lovely! Its not fair tank in my room and even on the concrete floors are slanted so the water is not level looks so much nicer when its level like yours.