Is this tank cool??


Fish Crazy
Jun 30, 2004
Reaction score
London, Ontario, Canada!
:D Hey, just wondering if this sounds cool to you guys. Any opinions or changes to the tank you would think would be ok is wanted!! Any comments are great!

In my 55 Gallon Tank: (Many plants, some caves, 3 inches of gravel, topfin power filter 60, 300 watt heater)

3 Silver Dollars
1 Spotted Silver Dollar
5 Albino Corydoras
1 Red-Tailed Black Shark
3 Red Swordtails
Hey there....unfortunately eventually your silver dollars are going to get too large for tank.

Other than that, I would suggest getting a bit more filtration going, and you should be smooth sailing from there on out.
ive checked tons of sites and they all said the silver dollars will only get to 6 inches at most, and males only 5 inches. and all of mine are males! all the sites also said a minimum tank size is 45 gallons, so ill be fine.
really? what do you mean? i have a 55 gallon tank using a 60 gallon filter? i thought it would be okay? its pretty powerful too. unfortunately it killed 2 of my baby silver dollars earlier -_-
I would have to agree you should bunp up the filter

You should have got angels
yeah i have a 75 gallon filter in one of my 29 gallons tanks and everything is fine, and my fish love it
SilverDollar_03 said:
really? what do you mean? i have a 55 gallon tank using a 60 gallon filter? i thought it would be okay? its pretty powerful too. unfortunately it killed 2 of my baby silver dollars earlier -_-
I don't see what so wrong with the filter either.... :unsure:
...I would just do more water changes, like two 20% water changes a week. I do three 20% water changes a week in my 10gal... I know really obsessed over keeping my water clean.
I do three 20% water changes a week in my 10gal... I know really obsessed over keeping my water clean. [/quote]
Hi Guppylover :)

Good for you! :thumbs: A clean tank is a healthy tank. :nod:
yeah, im only 14 and im not rich or anything, so i cant afford to buy new filters everyday :p . ill just do more water changes, they dont bother me, they are pretty easy to do :D
silver dollars love live plants . A few years back I six S/Ds in my 70 gal . One day I brought home some live plants , before the lights went out that night the S/Ds were swiming around with plants in their mouths chomping away [ lumber jacks ]. They enjoyed the little buffet I set out for them [ $ 10 for the plants ,. all they could eat ].


Silver Dollars are great fish , and grow to about 6"
Guppylover said:
SilverDollar_03 said:
really? what do you mean? i have a 55 gallon tank using a 60 gallon filter? i thought it would be okay? its pretty powerful too. unfortunately it killed 2 of my baby silver dollars earlier -_-
I don't see what so wrong with the filter either.... :unsure:
...I would just do more water changes, like two 20% water changes a week. I do three 20% water changes a week in my 10gal... I know really obsessed over keeping my water clean.
yeah, i got the silver dollars, they are awesome!

think it would be okay to add swordtails to the tank?? 3 of them, 1 male, 2 female?
i decided against danios, too common, and not very pretty!

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