Is this swim bladder disease? Or what is it?

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Jan 9, 2020
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A few weeks ago my Oscar started hanging out upside down and after researching it online I was thinking it was swim bladder disease. I tried getting him to eat skinned peas while in my 80 gallon tank, but he would not. He would eat his normal food though. Last Wed/Thursday he quit eating all together. I moved him from his 80 gallon tank to a 10 gallon "hospital" tank so I could try and treat it on Saturday. On Saturday I started putting 1/8 of a teaspoon of Epsom salt per 5 gallons of water (1/4 teaspoon for my 10 gallon tank). Also, I ordered Melafix on Saturday and it showed up Tuesday. Everyday I have been doing 50% water changes (adding 1/8 teaspoon of Epsom salt) and keeping the water temp at 80 degrees Fahrenheit. On Tuesday I added 5ml of the Melafix with the water change and also added 5ml of Melafix yesterday (Wednesday) with the water change. I have a pair of tweezers and I try and hand feed him everyday with both skinned peas and pellet food, but he just spits it out.

Here is what he looked like yesterday:
You can see the little bump on his underside, but that is what it has looked like for the past week.

Here is what he looks like tonight:

Something is wrong, but I have no idea what it is. I have not done any water changes today or added any Epsom salt of Melafix today. Anyone have any idea what this is or what I should do?

I should also add. He still acts pretty normal, tries to swim around and check stuff out in the tank, but is obviously limited as he is upside down. He still tries to get right side up every once in awhile, but as days go by, he tries less and less.
Water parameters
Tank size: 10 gallon hospital tank. Usually 80 gallon
pH: 8.4? See pictures. Left is low range test of tank he is in now. Middle is high range of tank he is in now. Right is high range test of tank he has been in for past 8 months. 10 gallon and 80 gallon are very close to the same.
ammonia: .5-1.0ppm See pictures below
nitrite: 0ppm
nitrate: 5ppm
kH: 180-240
gH: 180
tank temp: 80F

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euthanise it.

the fish has something major wrong with its internal organs. it's gonna die

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