Is This Stupid

my fat fish

Fish Addict
Sep 16, 2006
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i have an ill fish atm its a balloon mollie and i have become very attahed to this fish more then the rest he way always out and about and happy he was my first fish and im really worried about him and sad alot of pple keeptelling me its stupid 2 worry about but i dont think so lol what ya reakon?
No your are not stupid to worry it means you take the hobby serious and you love your fish.
Everyone is right, you are not stupid and like Wilder said it just means you are taking your hobby serious and that you love all your pets. Well good luck and keep us updated.

Do you have a hospital tank? If so i would think about putting him in there and then monitoring his progress! Well good luck and feel free to ask any questions you might have!
Either it's automated telling machine or more likely 'at the minite/moment'

I have a white balloon molly in mine. was in the tank when i bought it. (obviously in a container for transport etc. lol)

She is always there at the front of the tank when I come in the room.

She is the boss (mother) of the tank.

I will be sad when she goes but unfortunately balloons being such a hybrid fish only last for 1.5 to 2 years, and theyre not sold till theyre about 6 months so you dont have them that long.

Thats the price of interfering with nature i suppose.

I wouldnt worry too much if he/she does go, because they love their little lives, as you know seeing him /her race to you each time you come in the room. One of the happiest fish I've known even when diseased.

Hope yours gets better and don't give up.
No you are not stupid when you worry about your fish when then are ill. The way I look at it if someone doesn't worry about there fish when there ill and don't try everything they can to help them then they don't need to be having fish in the first place. Hope your fish gets well soon keep us updated! :good:
these balloon mollies sound like good fish...are they easily obtainable and around how much money (american dollars) do u think i would be looking at to aquire a pair of these.???

and i do think your doing hte right thing by feeling worried about ur fishy. people were calling me stupid when i was worried about my tarantula when it got sick. but then i realized she was molting and grew 1.5inches she now is a full size of 7 inches across =) so don't give up man

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