Is this stocking ok?

Fish Fanatic34

Fish Fanatic
Oct 15, 2023
Reaction score
I have a 35 gallon 3 ft long tank at the moment I have a
- 2 x Kribensis (Pair)
- 7 x Venezualean Cory
- 11 x Diamond Tetra
- 1 x Dwarf Gourami
- 3 x Mystery Snails
I Know that the Kribensis can get aggresive duing breeding and I have a spare tank that I move them into duing breeding.
Sounds like pretty good stocking to me especially with having the spare tank to move tge kribensis pair to when they become aggressive. The only thing is what are your water parameters? The other thing that I will mention now is the dwarf gourami could cause some problems as they are not recommended to be kept with dwarf cichlid I belive and secondly are prone to get diseases. So maybe find something to take the place of the dwarf gourami that suits your water parameters.
Sounds like pretty good stocking to me especially with having the spare tank to move tge kribensis pair to when they become aggressive. The only thing is what are your water parameters? The other thing that I will mention now is the dwarf gourami could cause some problems as they are not recommended to be kept with dwarf cichlid I belive and secondly are prone to get diseases. So maybe find something to take the place of the dwarf gourami that suits your water parameters.
Would a the dwarf gourami be ok in a 10 gallon I have one that I’m thinking of setting up.
Depending on your water parameters. If you put your water parameters on this thread myself or another member will be able to help you further.
Yes from what I can tell the dwarf gourami would be fine in a 10 gallon but putting them in a separate tank doesn't change the fact that they are prone to disease due to inbreeding. A more experienced member will be able to help you further. :)
Yes from what I can tell the dwarf gourami would be fine in a 10 gallon but putting them in a separate tank doesn't change the fact that they are prone to disease due to inbreeding. A more experienced member will be able to help you further. :)
Ok thanks I think I might keep him in the for now and if I see anything unusual I will always be able to setup a quarantine tank.

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