Is This Snail Eggs?


Jan 8, 2007
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We had a couple of snails hatch over the last week..unwanted snails that is, that must of been in the plants we brought. And omg do they grow fast in size!

Anyway, I have noticed all on my Elodea is little specks of something, the only way I can describe it is like that finely ground parmasan cheese you get at the supermarket.

Its all over the plant.

Are these specks eggs or just dirt?

Please tell me!
Pest snail eggs appear as globs of clear snot with about 20-30 tiny white dots in.


PS if you want to COMPLETELY get rid of them, PM me.
Gobs of parmesan?

That doesn't sound like regular snail sounds more like nerite eggs. Which really shouldn't hatch in a freshwater aquaria, though they do look like crap.
It doesn’t sound like snail eggs, they look like eggs in jelly. It is probably calcium deposits the plant takes carbon dioxide from calcium carbonate and the calcium leave a crust on the leaves, its more obvious further from the top of the plant on the older leaves.

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