Is This Safe?


Fish Gatherer
Jul 31, 2010
Reaction score
Taunton, Somerset
looking at a site called trentplastics to get some sliders for the top of my tank. Does anyone know much about how safe stuff is to use? Might use some in my sump too. Here is a link to a guide they sent me:

Its polycarbonate plastic which I have never heard of and don't want it leeching stuff!

i dont know much about this stuff either but did you say you are using halides, if so i would worry more about the effect of heat rather than it leeching stuff, i also seem to recall reading somewhere that plastics dont let as much light through as glass does, hope this helps......... kevin
Thank you! My lfs said that there isn't actually much difference with acrylic and this stuff on the web says its like glass and looks pretty clear! They are a foot away so should be ok for heat I hope :D Not sure whether to risk it though!
you may find even a foot away there could be enough heat to affect the plastic, it could start to turn opaque in the hottest spots, not saying it will do this , just that there is a chance, maybe email the company supplying it and ask them
I emailed them about it and he just sent me to above details about the material process! Means nothing to me half of it! haha! Thank you :D
if your using halides you need as much air accross the waters surface as possible. so stay opened top!

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