Is This Rock Ok For My Tank?


New Member
Jul 11, 2007
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Hello i have a 59 imp gallon tank and have this rock in it. i have been told by a friend that it could be dangerous for the fish and water. SL2701727.jpg
dont think it came from a shop. i was given it when i bought the tank from online auction site. the rock had not been used but it was with a load of other stuff that had been in the tank before.
It looks like live rock to me, this is commonly used in saltwater tanks and usually raises the Ph level. I would say not to have it as the benifical bacteria needs salt to grow, also there may be some salt in the rock and it may add salt into your tank.

Just my opinion though.
I think i will remove it as i do get a high ph reading. Many thanks for your help. :good:
It would be ok but u neeed to boil it and make sure no more parasites on it.
It would be ok but u neeed to boil it and make sure no more parasites on it.

Not really. Although boiling rocks will get rid of harmful bacteria etc. that isn't the problem in this case. Some fish can benefit with some of this rock, including many african cichlids + fish that like the Ph being more alkaline. This stuff can be good, unless you are already at your desired Ph level. I have never heard of small amounts of salt harming the bacteria colony, so I highly doubt that it will become a problem. I would be more worried about it leaking calcium into the water (the main reason for the Ph wanting to adjust.)

Might I also note, boiling rocks can be dangerous. If you do not allow them to cool properly then they can explode. Be careful!! :good:

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