Is This Really A Female?


Fish Fanatic
Oct 17, 2012
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I work at a pet store and and we got theses "females" in. We sell them as Super delta females.
If you're talking about the Betta in the foreground of the picture, he's definitely a male. Females don't have fins that long.
the back one looks female, while 100% the front is male.
That's what I thought, I've told the people I work with this and they don't believe me
Yep, the one in front is 100% male with the photobomber in the back being a female. :)
Most definitely a male in the front.  While females can have longer fins (although it is not as common) looking at this particular fish there are plenty of "male" signifiers. The long ventral fins and the shape of the body is a dead give away that this fish is male.  Hopefully your coworkers will learn so that someone doesn't decide to put them in the same tank together for a betta sorority as that would be disastrous.  
We have 6 of them in a 30 gallon tank for sale. I keep checking on them to make sure there's no fighting, I've tried everything to get my boss to keep them separate but what she says goes unfortunately :(
Hopefully they will sell quite quickly since they have been labelled as females as they should be cheaper? but yes keeping them together is asking for trouble once they start fighting they will look dreadful and will not sell, perhaps tell your boss this? that male is gorgeous, he is in a breeder box separate from the female in the pic can they not be kept in breeder boxes for now?
He's in the breeding box til I get my tank devidor, should be soon I hope
I doubt because I went to a pet store the other and I saw something similar. It was labelled 'female' and it has long fins. 
For a second, I thought it would be a great breeder but I ended up not buying. 
I am still not too sure, though.

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