Is This Possible?


New Member
Jun 4, 2008
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I have room for 13" of fish and would love to have a Bolivian Ram and some zebra danios. Is this possible?
Water temp: 25C
Ph: 6.9-7.0

I have a 90L tank but I only have room for 13" of fish.
the dimensions are 60cm long x 35cm wide x 45cm high

I currently have 3 Platys, 6 neon tetras and an Albino Bristlenose.

I worked out I have 23" of fish (worked out by their max adult size) and by using the surface area method I can have 36" of fish. A different tropical tank forum said this was correct.

Both ammonia and nitrite levels are around 0-0.1. Nitrate levels are very low as well
How old is the tank/filter media, Rams require a mature tank!
The tank has been up and running for around 2-2 1/2 months
The tank has been up and running for around 2-2 1/2 months

u need to get ur tank ammonia and nitrite at 0

i would wait till this is sorted and then consider a ram as they are very delicate and as previously stated by andy they require a mature tank.
I believe it is 0 as the tests I use make a clear solution if there is 0 nitrate and 0 ammonia. After tetsting on monday both solutions were clear

So yes, they are 0

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