is this possible


Fish Crazy
Sep 4, 2003
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well ten (10) days ago, my balloon molly died in strange circumstances as she was fine then nothing, rather weird, but anyways that day i found a fry in the tank, and thought it had come from my guppies, today while checking the filter i found some small white things on and in the filter after looking closer at the filter i found they were actually dead fry, the all of a sudden i notice an eye, and guess what i found
2 live fry :lol: :lol: :lol: ik couldn't believe it, the molly had actually died during birth, these fry had been alive in the filter for 10 days surviving somehow i couldnt believe it, is thgat possible? the babies were deffinitley from her as i have no other fish that clour as the fry were orange, please post any thoughts please
help would be nice
wow thats some going...have to say the same happens to me too....I was cleaning out the filter one day and as i rinsed off the filter, i noticed that there was a small baby in the was still alive, so I put him back in the tank and so far he is doing fine! :D

see, having livebearers is great cuase of finding babies occasionally...I saw two new platties last night, can't wait to see if they make it to adult hood! :D

have fun watching them grow and post any qeustions here! :D
i know its great little thing might survive, it looks a little shell shocked but hopefully itll make it, it looks great now even tho its small bless it!!!!1 :-( :-( :-( :-( :unsure:
I found some trapped guppy fry in my filter and as i was trying to get one out he made a mighty leap onto the carpet by my feet. I thought he made it into the tank and i looked down and there he was. He's 5 weeks old now. They're tougher than we think sometimes. :)
good news a little update for you he is making progress and i swear has put on weight i feel so proud that i saved its little life bless :p :p :p :p
Livebearer fry are pretty tough. My female guppy has dropped fry twice in the two months I have had her and I have one fry from each drop that have somehow managed to survive in the community tank! The fry from the newest drop is bigger than the fry that I managed to net. Sometimes I wonder how they haven't managed to take over the world! If there ever was a nuclear war only cockroachs and guppies would survive! :lol:
yeah guys the little bugger is doing great is pigging out summin rotten, its defo a baloon molly you can tell allready

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