Is This Ph Too Low?


Fish Fanatic
Sep 13, 2008
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I have a 20 gallon tank, with 3 rasboras, 2 zebra danios and 2 pearl danios. I have a java fern (struggling one) and a diandra. i just checked my pH and is between 6.4 and 6.6. this is way too low. how do i increase it to a 7 or a above. I just added DIY Co2 to the tank. I dont think thats a smart idea now as my pH is quite low and the Co2 is going to make it go down a bit further. The fish and plants both wont like that as the water is already slightly acidic. Is this why my Java fern is doing so poorly??? Its been almost a month since ive had this tank and havent had a fish die on me..and would really like to keep it that way. Im guessing that fish have adjusted to these conditions. What about the plants??? Do respond.


I have a 20 gallon tank, with 3 rasboras, 2 zebra danios and 2 pearl danios. I have a java fern (struggling one) and a diandra. i just checked my pH and is between 6.4 and 6.6. this is way too low. how do i increase it to a 7 or a above. I just added DIY Co2 to the tank. I dont think thats a smart idea now as my pH is quite low and the Co2 is going to make it go down a bit further. The fish and plants both wont like that as the water is already slightly acidic. Is this why my Java fern is doing so poorly??? Its been almost a month since ive had this tank and havent had a fish die on me..and would really like to keep it that way. Im guessing that fish have adjusted to these conditions. What about the plants??? Do respond.


have you test you tap waters gh and kh levels if not get a luqid test kit and test that first and formost
and the ph of your tap water

start with that is what most will tell you to do and then post the rusults here :good:

as well as how long has the tank been set up
what are the ammonia , nitrItes

EDIT to fix the messed up post :lol:
^^ Talk about nagging :lol: As above realy... What are the tap water readings for KH, GH and pH? Also, the nitrate reading of the tank would be appreciated. What test kit are you using? I hope not strips.

All the best
^^ Talk about nagging :lol: As above realy... What are the tap water readings for KH, GH and pH? Also, the nitrate reading of the tank would be appreciated. What test kit are you using? I hope not strips.

All the best

no idea what happened there big time messed up post , :lol:

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