Is This Person Having A Laugh?

what an idiot whoever that is but some gorgeous lookg plecs in there. The royal plec is huge and the L25's? if thats what they are look ace!!
Far too many fish in general :(

Did you see the one titled "A wild Pleco at lake Calaveras, TX" - I watched with my heart in my mouth hoping nothing horrible was going to happen (apart from rolling him all over the pavement)....when he finally said "Today's your lucky day" and threw him back I almost cried. Swim plecy swim!!!

(Also nominate "I'm going to paint my motorcycle like that" as funny line of the year)
If I were them I wouldn't be laughing... that is horrible. That is the most severely overstocked tank I have ever seen, bar none. How can they move in there? What a mess.
OMG! Thats terrible! I think they need educating a little!!
it makes my anrgy to see this.... i was in my LFS and there was a lady in there saying what fish she has... one of almost **********!!!

including fish that should be in sholes...

why is it people can do this to fish, and it not be a crime, if you were to keep too many dogs
in 1 place you would get in trouble.. so why not fish!!!
hey hey let's not jump to conclusions, you don't know exactly what size the tank is, I mean hell for all we know these people could've placed a wooden board in the tank to push all the fish forwards so they could show them all off at once.

It could be a huge tank, but from that angle you can't tell at all.
hey hey let's not jump to conclusions, you don't know exactly what size the tank is, I mean hell for all we know these people could've placed a wooden board in the tank to push all the fish forwards so they could show them all off at once.

It could be a huge tank, but from that angle you can't tell at all.
Yea i was thinking that too, but it actualy looks like the tank is only about 1 1/2 to 2 feet wide, which means it can't be all that big at all.. :(
Those fish must have costed a lot of money- such a waste of money and such a waste of beautiful fish! Those fish deserve to belong to someone who actually care's about them, not like this guy who seems to only view and care so much about them as ornements for his aquarium...
OMFG that is beyond ridiculous...I've never seen such a thing in my life until i watched the video...OMFG I can't get over it. At first I was shocked, then angry, then wondering how these fish survived.
theres also another video on youtube called plecplayground tahts an absolute joke aswell!!!
man, i thought my tank was overstocked, but wow, like ####, that really pisses me off, my tank kinda pisses me off what i did to it, but thats ridiculous, F***en Ridiculous.

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