Is this okay?


Fish Crazy
Jun 30, 2004
Reaction score
London, Ontario, Canada!
I want to get these fish in my 55 Gallon tank, and from research, it looks okay, what do you guys think?

In my 55 Gallon (3 large caves, many plants)

4 Silver Dollars
1 Red-Tailed Black Shark
5 Albino Corydoras
6 Zebra Danios
sounds fine by me 55g thats a 48" x 15"x 15" yes thats good enough for them i think silver dollars get to 8" max dont they what filtration are you going to use
I have had problems in my old tank with a red tail and the Gouramis. When they would go next to the caves the shark would pop out and mess with them.
Bobdole10 said:
I have had problems in my old tank with a red tail and the Gouramis. When they would go next to the caves the shark would pop out and mess with them.
They are messing with his turf! How big is tank?
The two blue gouramis won't mix.
The dominant one will constantly harass and chase the other. The dominant one will also grow considerably larger that the other one. The weak one will get stressed and that may bring about disease.
Yes, only 1 blue gourami.

Also, if you have limited tank space then keeping a minimum of 3 corys is fine.
6 is nice, but not essential.

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