Is This Ok


Fish Gatherer
Dec 30, 2005
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Ok guys this is my only way right now to get my sister fish in her room and get her hooked on them so she will take care of my fish while I'm at college. She's 5 right now but she really wants a betta and she's always try's to help me but she is still to small to do the maintence yet. Anyways I have a 2.5gallon siting around and was wondering if this setup would work.

Filter: small sponge filter/lee's corner filter/no filter
Lighting: no lighting, 15w incidescent/10w fluescent
Water Changes:25%/50%/75%/100%

Please tell me which one of those you would go for each, the betta would be one that you get from the teeny tiny bowls at a petstore. And of course I would be testing the water every day.

Ok guys this is my only way right now to get my sister fish in her room and get her hooked on them so she will take care of my fish while I'm at college. She's 5 right now but she really wants a betta and she's always try's to help me but she is still to small to do the maintence yet. Anyways I have a 2.5gallon siting around and was wondering if this setup would work.

Filter: small sponge filter/lee's corner filter/no filter
Lighting: no lighting, 15w incidescent/10w fluescent
Water Changes:25%/50%/75%/100%

Please tell me which one of those you would go for each, the betta would be one that you get from the teeny tiny bowls at a petstore. And of course I would be testing the water every day.


ok in a tank that small i wouldn't worry about cycling or whatnot (you didn't say you are but it would be useless if you did)

here's what i would do:

Filter: no filter
Lighting: 10w fluescent (brings out fishes colors better- but not important)
Heating: 78F (bettas like from 75-80F- can be in 70F but not as active)
Water Changes: 100% (once a week should do ya)

i hope that helps ya!!!

Well my mom and dad I don't think would really like me doing 100% water changes so do you think maybe a small sponge filter or the lee's corner filter would make 50% water changes ok, and no I wasn't going to cycle the tank just make let it go for a day or two and make sure the stats were ok. I have another question. I believe that bettas are jumpers so they need a lid or not because right now I'm using the light from the 2.5 for the 10 gallon until I can get a proper hood so would a betta be ok with a uncovered tank for a month or so?

out of curiousity, what do you parents have against 100% water changes?

*edit* i've never had a betta jump out of a bowl or tank, even the little ones when i had 'em, but they can and do. a lids is definately a good idea, but if you haven't got one, you can poke some holes in a palstic bag and stretch it over the top of the tank with some string or a rubber band holding it on (cut, obviously, so you can see the tank -lol-). BUT, coming out of a teeny cup, a 2.5 will probably suit that fish's little brain until you can get a real hood
Well my mom and dad I don't think would really like me doing 100% water changes so do you think maybe a small sponge filter or the lee's corner filter would make 50% water changes ok, and no I wasn't going to cycle the tank just make let it go for a day or two and make sure the stats were ok. I have another question. I believe that bettas are jumpers so they need a lid or not because right now I'm using the light from the 2.5 for the 10 gallon until I can get a proper hood so would a betta be ok with a uncovered tank for a month or so?


really a tank that size (for a betta) as long as you clean the substrate you can get away with 25-50% a week without a filter. i keep mine in 1 gal (non-filtered) and clean once a week and it still isn't that dirty. as for the light it isn't necessary and bettas usually only jump when the water gets too dirty or toxic from ammonia build up. just keep up on cleaning the tank and it should be fine without a lid. keep about 2 inches maybe less from he top to ensure this better. of course this would lower your water amount but will reduce chance of successful escape. a lot of people use sponge filters for bettas. personally i don't like them. i don't know exactly what lee's corner filter looks like, but i do know what mine do and that would actually work better IMO. a lot of people keep bettas in little bowels filled to the top and don't clean the water enough (inexperienced keepers), this is where the idea of them being jumpers came from (poor water quality/living conditions) IMO. they will though try to get food that is above the tank as well, i.e. bugs flying in the room.

using a filter will actually cut down your water changes to about 10-20% per week. it really depends if you have a "messy" betta (always has dirty water) or not.

as for the letting the tank sit a couple days first... i'm glad your doing that, about making sure the stats are fine :thumbs:. some people don't bother.

i hope i helped, please don't be hesitant to ask any further questions.


edit: for typos
My parents don't like me using all the water between the two tanks I already have, they think it's a waste of water(ya right) As for the tank it's the minibowl 2.5 and I put a 10w compact flurescent bulb in it and am using it over my 10gallon right now for light since I didn't have a real hood (I have a wire mesh over it) as for the filter this is lee's corner filter say it at a petstore yesterday for two bucks figured I'd pick it up for the heck of it and try something new. As for cleaning the tank I would gravel vacuum it every week.

So how's this:
light:none for now
cover: plastci wrap with holes for breathing
temperature: room ok with a back up heater to keep it around 72 F
Water change: 50% weekly as long as water stats are good, if not 75%.
My parents don't like me using all the water between the two tanks I already have, they think it's a waste of water(ya right) As for the tank it's the minibowl 2.5 and I put a 10w compact flurescent bulb in it and am using it over my 10gallon right now for light since I didn't have a real hood (I have a wire mesh over it) as for the filter this is lee's corner filter say it at a petstore yesterday for two bucks figured I'd pick it up for the heck of it and try something new. As for cleaning the tank I would gravel vacuum it every week.

So how's this:
light:none for now
cover: plastci wrap with holes for breathing
temperature: room ok with a back up heater to keep it around 72 F
Water change: 50% weekly as long as water stats are good, if not 75%.

that sounds right on. hmm... i have those filter's i guess i should've looked at the name. they came with the 10 gal setups i bought and are doing fine until i upgrade to external power filters. one of those should be ok for filtering but may be a little big for a 2.5 gal tank. gut the lid isn't really necessary. i personally would be deathly afraid of suffocation of the fish. but as long as you have enough holes and they are big but not large enough for betta to fit through, you should be fine.

everything looks good to me! :good:
A really good and cheap lid is a piece of plastic canvas cut to fit. You can get a sheet of it at Walmart for about 28 cents.

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