is this ok for food?

Frozen brine shrimp is ok, but are not as nutritional as bloodworms. I don't know about Freeze-Dry Krill, but they will eat frozen Krill.
Actually most frozen brineshrimp has been vitamin enriched and is good for the puffers. Some may take to freeze dried foods, but most will just look insulted that you put it into their tank. I found that when they were young the Dwarves loved the brineshrimp and mysys shrimp, but once they mature they prefer the frozen bloodworms.
When you say prefer do you mean the Dwarf Puffers will still eat the Frozen Brine Shrimp?
Yup, I usually mix frozen brineshrimp, bloodworm, and mysis shrimp in a shot glass and feed it to the puffers. The Dwarves go after the bloodworms first, but will still eat a bit of shrimp, the South American puffers try to eat all the mysis shrimp first then go after the bloodworm, and my Golden puffers just eat anything that goes by their face :lol:

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