now i have 4 tiger barbs ,2 angles,1 rainbow shark,2 pleckos,2 mollies in my tank.
This is what is currently in his tank!!
Per his signature, the other species are "in the process" which I take to mean will be added!!
IMO, yes his tank is overstocked, but not due to Dick Mill's stocking formula!!
IMO the species he has together will eventually cause havoc amongst themselves in the small confines of a 29 gallon tank!!
This is not due to "overstocking", but due to the nature of the species involved!! To add any more fish (espaecially what is being considered) would certainly NOT WORK!!!
I agree with you totally!!
Many years ago, I too kept SA/CA and Africans together!! I was also told "this would/will not work, but was told it was due to the behaviors of the species and NOT due to water parameters!!
While I kept such species as red devils and red terrors with species such as frontosa and even different mbuna!!
I too would never recommend this to anyone without the experience to recognize the potential of the species involved.
As for the water parameter argument I say......HOGWASH!!!!!! Malawi, Tanganyikan and Victorian cichlids do NOT need to be kept in a ph, hardness ect of that of their wild bretheren, unless reared/raised in those parameters.
Believe me when I say most LFS and breeders DO NOT alter their tap water simply due to the exhorbitant costs to do so!!
It would have cost me a fortune to adjust the parameters of my tap water for 130+ tanks every week and my breeders did just fine in my tap water of 7.2-7.4!!
is this nay use to anyone???
before u guys so excited about this new formula, its nots new its in both of my fish books!!!!! but the one givern to me is more correct and better for newbies its it like the 1 inch of fish to a gallon but more accurate !!!!! as both books recomend it i think its better . the one on the net its stupid there is no way u one 2 inch fish can have a living spce of 6!!!!!!which is 15 sq. cm its tiny!!!!! i mean this rule on the net compared to the 1 inch for every gallon says can have double the fish i have now in my 30 galllon tank, which is rubbish!!!
there is a better metthod found in these books
Aquarium Fish by Dick Mills (famous guy been doing fishing keeping 30 years!!)
Aquarium an owners manual by Gina Sandford
the method!!!!
this is quoted guys!!
when stocking a tank,the most critical factor is surface area,rather than the total volume of water.the aqurium deth is irrelevent, its the water/airinterfaceat the surface that determines the amount of dissolved oxygen needed to support life.a 160 litre (35 gallon) tank, if 100 cm long x 40 cm deep x 40 cm wide(39 x 16 x 16 in.),will have the surface area of 4000 sq. cm (625 sq in.); alternatively, it mabe be 75 cm long x 52 cm deep x 40 cm wide (30 x 20 x 16 in.) , with a surface area of 3000 sq. cm (480 sq. in.) . although both tanks hold the same amount of water, the one with the larger surface area will suport more fish. to find the correct stocking level,first calculate the surface area by multiplying the tank length by its width.then establish the adult body length of the fish you plan to keep in the tank; for each 2.5 cm (1in.), you will require 75 sq. cm (12 sq. in.) of tank space for tropical freshwater species,180 sq cm (28 sq in.) for coldwater freshwater fish ,and 300 sq cm (47 sq in.) for tropical marine species.
in certain cases, fish may require more or less space than average.for example the discus, which gorws to 15 cm (6 in.),is best kept in pairs with little else in the tank.only in this way are you likly to grow these fish to maturity and have them breed.with good water turnover and effient filtraion,stocking levels may be slightly incresed.however , do not rely on equipment to support a heavily stocked aquarium;mechanical failure could prove disastrous.remember also that fewer fish often look far more impresive than a tank crammed with bodies.
so the basic rule is "for every inch (2.5 cm) of fish you will requies 75 sq. cm"
Since you asked....not to me!!!!
While I am happy you have found a "formula" for stocking that works for this case I don't think it can be used....even in it's most basic form!!
I have several "issues" with the statement (by Dick Mills) you keep providing, but will not go into them here (don't want to hijack this thread!!)
I will simply say this.........The tank is a war zone waiting to happen and to add even more aggressive species to the small confines is simply asking for trouble!!