Is This Normal?


Shrimpy Shrimp
Apr 20, 2007
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My cories have spawned three times today! and its only 2pm! :lol: I counted 30 in the first batch, 20 in the seconds and 46 in the 3rd spawn!

how do you tell if they're fertile?
just counted all the eggs together, i've got between 100 and 110. They're all in a breeding net infront of the filer for waterflow.
okay... i just watched her lay another batch.... are they fertilised before or after she lays them? :crazy:
She should be working with a male that joins her temporarily in a T position. The eggs are fertilized before they are placed. Beware, my knowledge about this is all book knowledge. I have been researching to breed but have never done it myself.
well there's another load of eggs. i have between 150-200 now.... :crazy:

They're all a creamy beige colour, so i'm guessing they're fertilised.
oldman47 is dead on.

Seeing as they are beige it sounds to me like they are fertile. In a day or 2 you should notice a darkness in each egg. That's the fry developing. Depending on your species and water temperature they may hatch in 3-5 days.


they're all bright white today... like little pearls.

that isnt good, is it? :crazy:
Mine recently spawned.

on the 3rd day I noticed them turning colour... they were swirling and I couldnt stand either (heavy night) :p
but I still had to check my eggs haha
well i'll wait till tomorrow evening and if there's no black dots, then my shrimp will have a nice meal lol
I'm sure you know,
but any that develop black dots with eggs that have no white dots seperate else fungus will develop,
I had to to mine but porbably damaged a few sacks doing so

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