Is This Ich?


Jun 2, 2008
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My Pleco has a white spot on the right side of what I consider his nose.

Its round and at very close inspection looks like tiny hairs.

Is this Ich?
Only reason I ask is because the Pleco has this spot on both sides of the "cheeks" I am making sure this isn't a normal part of being a Pleco and becoming "bushy" or something
Sounds like "bristles" it a Bristlenose ...
I am told it is a bristle nose. I just wanted to double make sure. I didn't want to dose the tank either as I am told Plecos have a hard time with these meds.
It sounds like the "bristles"are just starting to grow...Nothing to worry about!
Thank you ... Yeah my first response was to look up ich and I couldn't find anything that looked like the Pleco but yes the spots are exactly where the bristles would be and he/she is very young so this is all very very very possible.
Yeah I am slightly worried it could be the start of a fungus
Yeah I am slightly worried it could be the start of a fungus

aye, sounds like a fungal infection to me, as the bristles normally start out as brown lumps which extent, in my experience anyway.
I would take a look a fungal infections as white and hairs screams problem to me
If they are whiteish and either side of his face/mouth it is his or her spines. BN have spines they can extend there as a form of protection - sometimes you see them sometimes you dont - they can fully extend them or just a little!

Ich doesnt look like hairs - it looks like tiny grains of salt.
If they are whiteish and either side of his face/mouth it is his or her spines. BN have spines they can extend there as a form of protection - sometimes you see them sometimes you dont - they can fully extend them or just a little!

Ich doesnt look like hairs - it looks like tiny grains of salt.


The spines (or hooks) gilli is on about are in this area (see pic) is that where your on about the white spot is?

BN have spines they can extend there as a form of protection

I believe all Plecs have these :)

its the fact they look like hairs and not spines.

If your plec has them out all the time, then it is threatened by something in the tank, what is it in with?

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