Is This Ich/whitespot?


Fish Botherer
Dec 8, 2012
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There's a single spot on the tail of one of my fish.  The spot looks slightly raised on one side.  I can't see any other spots on any fish.

Should I start adding salt and raising the temperature?
There are two fry in the tank, will they be okay with treatment?
no that does not look like ich,
ich will have many more spots, and they would be smaller
Thanks Mikey.
Perhaps it is just an injury from fighting with another male.  I will try to keep the water clean and see how it goes.
Agreed.  ich looks like a "grain of sand".
Actually, like LOTS of grains of sand. That's just a small injury or something that's probably nothing to worry about. Keep an eye on it though. Let us know if it starts looking different or the fish's behavior changes.
This Old Spouse said:
Actually, like LOTS of grains of sand. That's just a small injury or something that's probably nothing to worry about. Keep an eye on it though. Let us know if it starts looking different or the fish's behavior changes.
lol, yeah.
It looks improved a little today, I will continue to keep an eye on it.  Thanks for all the advice - glad I held off on the salt!
An odd twist to the tale (no pun intended).  The spot got better and disappeared completely after six days, so I assumed it had finished healing.
Another four days later and it's back again, in exactly the same spot.
What does it mean?
I have a shoal of longfin black skirt tetras, and a couple of them develop white spots around their fins. This has been going on for more than a year. It doesn't seem to affect them in any way. And the weird thing is that it comes and goes. I've asked folks on the forum what it could be, and never did get a plausible answer. So I basically just ignore it. I keep my water very clean, and I think that makes the difference between it being a real problem or just distracting.

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