Is This Guppy Pregnant

guppy breeder

New Member
Aug 30, 2011
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would i need to take out all my other guppys out of the tank when 1 of my guppys is giving birth??
Try to put the guppy in the breeding trap..or just take the preg out.. realize all fishes will be stresssed either way getting chased by you with the net, lol
where shall i put the preg then?? i don't have a breeding trap but i do have breeding grass
1. If you have extra tank you can put her in with heater n bubbler..then take her out and put her in there with water from your main tank

2. If you do not have extra tank, then just use breeding grass and hopefully they will survive, the strong ones may survive..

But def might consider of getting even a small bowl with a bubbler and a heater for frys to stay in till they get big enough not to get eaten or sucked in ( by filter ) in your main tank
It's far, far better to leave the females in the tank with plenty of water and proper filtration; those breeding/fry traps are like prison cells; they can cause the mother to become so stressed that they miscarry, and they're far too small to grow fry on properly.

Just add as many plants as you can; especially fine leaved stem ones, like elodea and cabomba (Java moss works well too) for the fry to hide and and you'll get plenty of babies surviving. The fry will also eat tiny particles of algae and micro-organisms from the plants, so they're a great soure of food too. This is how real guppy breeders do things :good:
Another two, maybe three weeks, I'd say; she's not that fat!
As said. The best thing to do is leave her with the other fish and the strongest babies will survive. I'd say she has about 2 weeks left, her gravid spot is quite dark but they generally are in guppies that colour. Her stomach isn't squared or even that large. My females were always a lot larger than that and they squared off about 1-2 days before they gave birth. If you look through some of the pined topics you'll see what females look like before they give birth and you can then estimate how long she has left.
I use lots of plants and I use a sponge cover over the inlet to the filter to help the fry from getting sucked up. Guppies should breed every 28 days so I’m to sad if I loose 10 to 15 from every litter. If I manage to get the pregnant one out in time I put her in my breeding tank with the other 80 or so that are in there at any given time.
I also made a java fern (moss) wall on the one side of one of my tanks, with all my live bearers in it. I cut an orange bag in half along the seam. (The orange bags with the big mesh) I tuck one end under the tank cover and burry the other in the gravel. Don’t make it to tight you want to leave some room from the glass and the mesh or your fish could get stuck. Then weave a bit of moss and in two to three months it well cover the side of your tank nicely.
I well post a pic if you like the idea and want to try it.
Try some nice cover like this in one of my guppy tanks.

In this case I used java moss as a cover.

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