Is this from over feeding or illness?



I don't think I over feed and my parameters are fine, but I've had two female gups get bloated like they were going to have babies, then die. The other fish aren't bloated. One of them's belly actually split open. This last one did not but her fin was rotting away fast, like in a day, and both were really fat. I have a male guppy with a rough tail fin, but I'm allready treating with melafix because of the last female. I didn't want anyone to catch it, but the melafix didn't keep her from loosing her tail, getting all fat, and going to fishy heaven.
yes, scales were raised. What does that mean? What's goin on?
keith said:
yes, scales were raised. What does that mean? What's goin on?
Sounds like dropsy...

I am not sure on how to treat it but that's what it seems like and the raised scales are known as 'pineconing'. I think it's difficualt to treat but it is deabted on whether it is catching.

Someone else will be able to help more, no doubt.
is this the same as dropsy?

When a guppy shows a roughened appearance from the scales standing on end, and it appears to be bloated, it may have an intestinal infection which distends its intestines so greatly that it cannot swim below the surface without great exertion. Some stay in an upright position.
Treatment: Treatment: Try placing the bloated fish in a solution made of two tablespoonfuls of Epsom salts and two tablespoonfuls of Turk Island salt in a gallon of water. Leave it there for 4-6 hours. Then add another gallon of water and let the fish remain in this weaker solution for twelve hours before returning it to tank
so what do I do? I'm feeding what they can eat in 3 min 3 times a day. Is that too much? Lots of brine, daphnia, and a little flake.
keith said:
so what do I do? I'm feeding what they can eat in 3 min 3 times a day. Is that too much? Lots of brine, daphnia, and a little flake.
IMO that's too much but I feed less than most (once every other day) although I'll feed more in one sitting that you do in one sitting. I don't know that it is caused by overfeeding.

Try doing a google search for "dropsy", this might be of use - Diseases


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