Is this for sure velvet?


Fish Fanatic
Apr 18, 2024
Reaction score
Cleburne TX
I'm seeing this on their gills so I'm wanting to know so I can buy some meds for them


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No... They look good to me... It's normal iridescence in these area...


What makes you think of velvet ?

Any other symptoms ? Lethargic. Clamped fins. Not eating. Covered in a thin white fuzz or gold dust.
I keep rainforest killies, so I have a certain experience with their favourite parasite, Oodinium or velvet. I see zero signs of it in your photos - just normal patterning. Oodinium will usually appear around the spine between the head and the dorsal, and under intense light will appear like a coppery, velvety patch.
No... They look good to me... It's normal iridescence in these area...


What makes you think of velvet ?

Any other symptoms ? Lethargic. Clamped fins. Not eating. Covered in a thin white fuzz or gold dust.
No... They look good to me... It's normal iridescence in these area...


What makes you think of velvet ?

Any other symptoms ? Lethargic. Clamped fins. Not eating. Covered in a thin white fuzz or gold dust.
None of any of that just the color around the gills
I keep rainforest killies, so I have a certain experience with their favourite parasite, Oodinium or velvet. I see zero signs of it in your photos - just normal patterning. Oodinium will usually appear around the spine between the head and the dorsal, and under intense light will appear like a coppery, velvety patch.
Ok thanks but I might order some seachem
culpramine for in the future if I need it .
You might want to order it, as long as the expiration date is far away. I am a lot more wary of copper based medications than I am of the average parasite. Copper can have longterm health effects, reportedly on fertility for some species.

You always have to remember that fish medications are an unregulated market, with all the dangers that entails.

I see no redness on the gills of the sterbai, and the redness in the gills of the albino fish goes with its lack of pigmentation.

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