Is This Coral Ok In My Tank?


Fish Crazy
Feb 16, 2006
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i have got a d&d 24 gallon nano cube. i bought this coral sunday and the man in the shop said it would be fine in my tank but it doesnt seem to be doing very well. some of the ends are curling up. all my water tests are fine and i do a 15% water change every week. any help would be great. thanks





what is your light, what kind of coral is it, and what are your water params (numbers would be better rather than just fine). How long have you had the tank and what are the other inhabitants. P.S the third picuter has this purple coral with a red dot kinda thing at the end, do you think it looks like a girl that has her lips puckered?
what is your light, what kind of coral is it, and what are your water params (numbers would be better rather than just fine). How long have you had the tank and what are the other inhabitants. P.S the third picuter has this purple coral with a red dot kinda thing at the end, do you think it looks like a girl that has her lips puckered?
i did have a bigger tank before but used the water out my old tank so its about 2 years old. i have a seahorse, 2 clownfish a coral goby some hermit crabs and some turbo snails. the light are t5 2 36w bulbs and 2 blue
ha yes just noticed it does look like some lips.

salt 0.24
ph 8
calcium 440
no3 5
no2 0.1
ammonia 0.1
po4 0
fe 0
something is wrong with your ammonia levels and nitrite, aka NH4 and NO2 respectively.
water from another tank is wortheless u should have no amonia or nitrite present
you should find out y you have any ammonia in you tank before it starts killing anything else
i have just been checking all the water again and found the calcium was low so i have just added a calcium buffer.
you shouldnt have absolutly no amonia or NO2 in your tank i would figure that out before you worry about calcium
the chart i have got for ammonia ses its 0.06. ph 8 and the test kit result is 1.2 so its in the green section
right this is doing my head in. i have tested for ammonia 3 times with different test kits and there all different.
salifert 0
hagen 0.04
tetra 0.06
how long has this tank been setup? was sand etc used form the larger tank? it looks like you have a gha problem

btw most AIO will run with too high of temps for seahorses

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