Is This Columnaris?


New Member
Apr 28, 2010
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Hi everyone,

I treated my tank for suspected columnaris last week and it seemed to do the trick.

However, just got home from work to two dead neon tetras. Both appeared to have a white patch down one side of their body which I believe is typical of columnaris.

I've attached a couple of pics below. It's the best I could get, but you can just make out the white patch below the dorsal fin.

Should I med again? The meds I have available tonight are Myxazin (which I used last week), Protozin (I guess not suitable in this case), Pimafix and salt.

Ammonia: 0
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 5
PH: 7



Thanks in advance for your help
Do these white spots looke like white spots or are they somewhat fluffy? Could be fungus or ich. Do the neons flash or act very dull/lack of movement?

Of course the dead ones will be dead but you know what I mean. I just treated my neons for something like this, was fungus I think but after treating and loosing 3 neons I saved the rest and it hasn't come back since.
thanks for the reply.
It's not whitespot. The patch is like a whitey grey smear, not really fluffy but definitely on the outside of the scales rather than under them.
I used pimafix to treat my similar situation and it worked wonders.
Did you follow the instructions to the t? I thought columnaris was treated for 2 weeks, not 1, but could be mistaken.
The bottle says to administer the dosage on days 1,2,3,4,5.
The bottle says to administer the dosage on days 1,2,3,4,5.

Ok must've been thinking of another med. I can't make out much in the picture but it does sound like columnaris.

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