Hi everyone,
I treated my tank for suspected columnaris last week and it seemed to do the trick.
However, just got home from work to two dead neon tetras. Both appeared to have a white patch down one side of their body which I believe is typical of columnaris.
I've attached a couple of pics below. It's the best I could get, but you can just make out the white patch below the dorsal fin.
Should I med again? The meds I have available tonight are Myxazin (which I used last week), Protozin (I guess not suitable in this case), Pimafix and salt.
Ammonia: 0
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 5
PH: 7
Thanks in advance for your help
I treated my tank for suspected columnaris last week and it seemed to do the trick.
However, just got home from work to two dead neon tetras. Both appeared to have a white patch down one side of their body which I believe is typical of columnaris.
I've attached a couple of pics below. It's the best I could get, but you can just make out the white patch below the dorsal fin.
Should I med again? The meds I have available tonight are Myxazin (which I used last week), Protozin (I guess not suitable in this case), Pimafix and salt.
Ammonia: 0
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 5
PH: 7

Thanks in advance for your help