is this better

gup gup

Fish Fanatic
May 9, 2004
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if i put my baby fry into a breeding net wen they do a toilet will it pass through the net
I have a elbino cat fish that will clean the bottom of the net for me.
I guess so...that and any food left on the bottom...I have seen them clean the bottom of the net. as for "poo" on the bottom of the net, there is none there. So u can come up with ur own :dunno:
so what you are saying that corys actually eat poo
OK...I have never seen them eat I said in the reply...I just know it is clean of any "poo" So I think they do...But I could be wrong...
I have been told 2 different things on that, some say yes some say no. But I am not willing to take the chance, so I keep my fry in a breeder net.
i thought your cory was in the net with them
No they are in the tank...They will swim on their backs to get to the bottom of the net.
Corydoras and suckermouths latch onto the nets. :nod:

As for them eating feces, that's not true. They live off algae and worms, for the most part. Therefore they should be fed algae disks and shrimp pellets.

The feces will stay in the net, so get a turkey baster to remove it.

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