Is this betta blind??


Fish Crazy
Mar 6, 2004
Reaction score
Pittsburgh PA
Ive had this female betta for probably 8-10 months now, and she has always had a cloudy eye. I think they were both cloudy to begin with, but Ive been treating her off & on for this & the one looks fine now, but the other just looks....strange.

I just took a close look at both eyes, good one is clear w/ some sparke to it. The other one just weirds me out :blink: It has no sparkle to it at all, looks cloudy, and almost sunken in.

So is this what a blind betta would look like?
It could quite possibly be blind in that eye
It could also have a catteract which would
serirously limit its vision.
Thank you for your reply :) At least now I know that's probably what it is, poor lil' girl.
does she come up to the front of the tank when you do?
i have a blind betta that doesnt swim to the front, like the others do when i approach tha tank. when i throw his food in, he can feel the vibration and has to "sniff" around to find it. once he finds it, he takes several jumps at it and usually misses the first few times.
thats how i know he is blind.
he is also part albino (red eyes), so im pretty sure he is blind.

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