Is This An Sae Or Isn't It?!


New Member
Jan 13, 2008
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I picked up a couple of these today after waiting ages to find them. I researched for a long time in the hope that I could identify the Siamese Algae Eater and not end up with a Flying Fox or Chinese Algae Eater. Did I get it right?

well its def not a chinese algae eater and its looks absolutely nothing like my flying fox, so i'd say you got it spot on
You know, i used to have the SAE's i don't like them, they don't clean my tanks for crap. the CAE's tho, i have just a FEW of those and the clean the tank to the extreme, i havnt had algae in my tank in ages. and when they are done with the tank, they move on to the shells of my snails! i have golden mystery snails that used to be green snails, now even their shells are perfectly clean!
It looks like a SAE to me since it has whiskers/barbels and a rather RTBS (Red Tail Black Shark) like mouth instead of the large sucker mouth that CAE's have- also its patterning is very clear/well-defined (not all blotchy and marbled that is common in CAE's) and the black stripe runs from the tip of its nose to the very end of its tail fin.

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